【 ドラブラ 】 Cassel Dream Theater – Thank You Messages

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ドラブラ Code: Dragon Blood コード:ドラゴンブラッド Dragon Raja 龙族幻想

All messages originally written and posted on 14 September 2021. CDB’s Cassel Dream Theater contest’s user poll period was over. I managed to reach the finish line at 3rd place* in the Best Prince category with 1223 votes! I ran into a lot of trouble during the user poll period, and only managed to get this far because of everyone’s support. So I wrote thank you messages for everyone!

*Note: In this contest, only the 1st place winners get a special prize. The rest of the nominees (2nd~6th place) all get the same runner up prize. Ouchh… Happy that I was able to put in my all, though. You did your best, Rhyme. You did your best.

ドラブラ Code: Dragon Blood コード:ドラゴンブラッド Dragon Raja 龙族幻想

To all those who have supported me
Hello! This is Rhyme from the prince category. Thank you so much for sharing a little of your time everyday to vote for me even though you’re busy, even though there’s no reward for the voters. I may have finished only at third place, but your support has helped me grow and move on to the next step!

Usually, I’m the type to throw a match out the window and move on the moment I know that it’s an obviously losing battle. But I saw how the other participants kept going even though they definitely won’t catch up with their vote count, and I saw how our supporters kept supporting us no matter what. So I decided that for them, I won’t give up till the end just this once.

As a result, because of everyone’s support, I didn’t only manage to put in my all during these 11 days, but I also managed to overcome my shyness, make a lot of friends and gained some courage! I’ll put my new skills to good use in the next events and real life. Again, thank you so much!! May good things happen to everyone! —Prince Rhyme

ドラブラ Code: Dragon Blood コード:ドラゴンブラッド Dragon Raja 龙族幻想

To all the other nominees
I feel so happy to be able to stand on the same stage with all of you awesome people during this competition! (Thanks for choosing me, CDB staff! It’s good as a life experience!)

It was only 11 days, but it felt super long, didn’t it? I managed to run till the end because I saw that all of you were working hard. I felt like this contest was particularly hard on the participants because only the first place gets a meaningful prize. Spreading the word also always felt awkward because the voters don’t get anything from voting. I’m sure that like me, some of you felt bad for not being able to return anything to the voters, and some of you sacrificed a lot of sleep and real life for the contest. (I didn’t regret doing it, though!)

But let’s not look only at the bad side. I’d be happy if you managed to have some wonderful experience and growth like I did. You did well on these fun and difficult 11 days! To fellow best prince nominees, thanks for competing with me! Rest well, everyone! —Prince Rhyme

ドラブラ Code: Dragon Blood コード:ドラゴンブラッド Dragon Raja 龙族幻想

To my dearest Bobotan
Bobotan, I asked you to join only as a co-actress and did everything I can so you don’t have to bear any weight during the contest. But I can’t believe I ended up sucking you into this whirlpool for a whole month!! Even so, I’m so happy that you never thought that it’s troublesome, and that you enjoyed the event wholeheartedly while working hard with me.

During the contest entry period, we both came up with ideas, discussed them, and made lovely works together. During the user poll period, we discussed strategies together, threw away our weaknesses, and put in our all to aim for victory. There’s no partner as loyal and kind as you are. I love you so much!

Thank you for believing in me and supporting me till the end! Our battle together this month was a memory that shines beautifully like a gemstone. Let’s keep playing at our own pace and continue loving our sweet characters after this! —Your Prince Rhyme

ドラブラ Code: Dragon Blood コード:ドラゴンブラッド Dragon Raja 龙族幻想

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