【 Pokémon Unite 】 Team Leo

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Pokemon Unite zeraora ポケモンユナイト ゼラオラ

Pokémon Unite page
Pokémon Unite fanart. Character sheets of my friend Leo and his team! Character bio by Leo. Main drawing coming soon. You can read their bio below~

Pokemon Unite ポケモンユナイト

Leo (Trainer)

Birthday: 24th January
Height: 180 cm
Personality: Usually shy, but once he gets closer with another person, Leo’ll show his more childish side.
Likes: He likes sleeping, chatting, playing with friends, and taking care of plants. His favorite food is pizza.
Dislikes: Leo doesn’t like seeing other people sad, and places that are too disorganized. He doesn’t really have a least favorite food and eats almost anything, depending on how they’re cooked.

Leo was a young Pokémon Trainer from a small town near a forest. He was passionate about Pokémon battles, but unfortunately never really got to join one. One day, upon the discovery of the mythical Aeos Island and the creation of Unite Battles, Leo decided to visit and explore Aeos. He brought with him the friends he made at his hometown, Neon the Zeraora and Marble the Blissey.

Pokemon Unite zeraora ポケモンユナイト ゼラオラ

Neon (Zeraora)

Birthday: Unknown (Leo sets his birthday as 22nd September)
Height: 165 cm
Nature: Serious
Personality: At first glance he’s cold and doesn’t talk a lot, but he’s quite curious and stubborn. When you get to know him he’s more soft and sweet. He usually keeps his cool and doesn’t let panic overtake him.
Neon traveled alone for a long period of time, so he’s not good at comforting people. This made him unafraid of saying his opinions truthfully even if it might hurt other people’s feeling.
Likes to pick on people he considers his friends.
Despite his cold personality, when he has to fight a swarm of enemies, he’ll try his best to keep his cool. If the fight prolongs, he might feel the urge to kill anyone around him until his bloodlust calms down.

Likes: He likes being with the people he cares about and will do anything to protect them. He also favors those who are always ready to fight and will always march forward despite failures.
Sleeping and training are what he usually does most of the time. But since he arrived in Aeos Island, he’s spending a lot of time with another younger Zeraora (Zephyr).
He likes the feeling of the environment on his skin. He wants to feel the grass, the water, the dirt and the air as he runs, so he hates wearing any sort of footwear even if it’s holowear.
His favorite food are fish (especially salmon), and sometimes he smokes some cat weed to relieve himself. Has a very high alcohol tolerance, but doesn’t drink a lot of it.

Dislike: Neon doesn’t like being the center of attention, and doesn’t want to be interrupted when he’s taking a nap. He also doesn’t like when the people he cares about are sad or hurt.
He doesn’t like taking bath, but when he needs to dive inside a river or a lake, he does it without any problem. His least favorite food is rice.

Other: He’s not very good at math. He’s not used to wearing clothes, but thanks to the holowear technology, he doesn’t mind them anymore. But he absolutely doesn’t want any footwear, holowear or not.
Since he always did things alone, working in group or in a team is quite difficult for him. A lot of the time, he might not listen to the team leader’s orders.
He has a quite deep scar on his chest and a code number on his left foot, but they’re both covered by fur. The code number was branded on him when a former human ‘friend’ backstabbed him and tried to sell him to an evil organization.

A Zeraora born from thunder hitting the mouth of a volcano in eruption. He’s born with heterochromia, but it was the doing of another legendary pokemon, Mesprit. The exact location of this volcano is unknown, butit had an underground lake where Mesprit lived. It’s said that when Neon was being born, the storm created by the volcanic eruption was one of the biggest and most dangerous one that ever happened in that zone.
Mesprit gave some of her powers to Neon when he was being born so he can help her protect the land that she’s looking after. It caused his left eye to turn yellow like hers.
When Neon was a newborn, he was curios about everything. Innocent and naive about the outside world, he was cheerful and always tried to take care of other Pokemon. Among all the pokemon he tried to take care of, there were also some mons abandoned by their Trainers because they weren’t strong or good enough for them. Neon wondered why humans would do such a thing, but he never really hated for them. But then a man he befriended betrayed him and sold him to an evil organization. This event caused him to distrust humans in general.
Wandering alone in the wilderness for years after that incident made Neon gain a natural survival instinct and a developed a sixth sense. Years passed and many things happened in his life. One meet up with Lugia made him think that maybe not all humans are bad.
When he met his new partner Leo, he already had some hundred of years. They spent some years together, by seeing each other from time to time. When the discovery of Aeos Island was announced, he got dragged by Leo to this new place.

Pokemon Unite blissey ポケモンユナイト ハピナス

Marble (Blissey)

Birthday: 20th March
Height: 150 cm
Nature: Jolly
Personality: Marble’s sweet and gentle, having great empathy for everyone. She’s usually innocent and quiet, but when irritated, she can be a bit scary.
Likes: She likes keeping everything clean and organized, and housekeeping in general. She also really likes helping people. Her favorite food is any egg-based dish.
Dislikes: She doesn’t like seeing people suffering or sad, and doesn’t like dirty and disorganized places. Her least favorite food is anything related to meat.
Other: Marble does the grocery and housekeeping for Leo. She’s also the one who heals and treats Neon’s wounds after battles. Every time Neon returns full of wounds, Marble would scold him.

Leo received Marble as an egg at a Pokémon Center. He brought the egg home and when she hatched, Marble instantly started to explore her surroundings. She found a liking for housekeeping activities, and a great passion for healing and treating wounds and diseases. Marble had evolved into a Blissey by the time she met Neon the Zeraora. One look at him, and she immediately knew that she had to watch over him all the time.


  • Neon’s birthday is when Pokémon Unite was first launched on mobile and when Leo started playing the game.
  • Marble’s birthday is the spring equinox.

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