Cute LINE Stickers for my project, the ‘100 LINE Stickers Marathon‘! Stickers in Set 5 include the rabbit, Loulou the Cat, guinea pig, pomeranian, bread, dinosaur, sea-themed big letters, fish, house lizard and kappa.
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Cute LINE Stickers Set 5

41) Pink Bunny
Made this one for Valentine’s Day. I made sure to put a lot of cute interactions that you can send to your friends and close ones!
42) Loulou the Cat
An easygoing and stylish cat! I wanted to make a somewhat funny sticker, so I made this cat. He started out as an unnamed cat at first, but he grew on me, so I gave him the name ‘Louis’ (‘Loulou’ is his nickname).
By now, Loulou’s my personal favourite and one of my most used stickers! I totally want to make a comic strip of him someday!
45) Bread
Combining bread and greetings. Bread just has this mysterious power to cheer us up whenever we see it, doesn’t it?
46) Dinosaur
A friendly, squishy T-rex! The T-rex is my little sister’s favourite dinosaur. I think it’s kind of cute with its tiny little hands, so I made a sticker set of it.
48) Colourful fishes
Saw a bunch of fish decorations somewhere and they inspired me to make these decorative stickers! I made them to be bright with a cheerful and fun atmosphere.
49) House lizard
House lizards are a common sight outside (and sometimes inside) my house in my home country. I think they’re kind of cute, so here’s a sticker set of them. The motif’s a house lizard, so I drew quite a lot of household activities here.
50) Kappa
A kappa is a turtle-like humanoid from Japanese folklore. It has a turtle’s shell on its back and loves to eat cucumbers.
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