【100 LINE Stickers Marathon】 Mikael Character Sheet

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Mikael character sheet for my LINE Stickers project, the ‘100 LINE Stickers Marathon‘!

Mikael Character Sheet

Mikael angel

Mikael is the vice-leader of the angels and Heilel‘s twin younger brother. He works as the store clerk in Empyrean, a little shop that he runs with Heilel for a time.

Mikael finds joy in making those around him happy. Opening a shop that can make others smile started out as an idea in his daydreams. Now a reality, the shop may be a small side project, but Mikael is very thankful to Heilel for making it happen.

Kind and easy to talk to, Mikael’s popular with Empyrean’s customers. He does his best to make sure that everyone who visits is satisfied. He puts in a lot of effort so that running the shop is both fun and successful. Mikael also has fun learning how to make the things that they’re selling.

Working together with Heilel

Running a shop for the first time, Heilel and Mikael have had to learn a lot of new things and face a lot of challenges. During the first days, they’re usually beat and unable to move after the shop closes. There are also times when it feels too difficult. But luckily, they have each other and their friends’ support.

Heilel usually gets a bigger load of work as the manager, but he faces them without giving up. Mikael appreciates that his brother’s putting his all into the shop although it’s made for him. So as thanks, he spoils Heilel by making delicious meals after work and during the weekends. Heilel certainly gets all the energy he needs for the next workdays from that.

Other than that, Mikael helps out in the shop in various other ways, from its furnishing to its publicity. He makes sure that the shop’s cozy and that he greets everyone cheerfully. Although he started out a little unsure about himself running a shop, he’s eventually able to gain the confidence he needs. He now guides the customers through the shop without feeling nervous at all!

Seeing how invested Mikael is in the shop, Heilel’s glad that they set it up. Supporting each other whenever they need it, they have fun working together. In the end, they’re able to reach their goals and they celebrate with a small party.


  • Mikael is based on the angel Michael.
  • Heilel and Mikael are originally characters from my other work, ‘Lost Heaven’.

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