【100 LINE Stickers Marathon】Afterword (Passive Income!)

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Heilel Mikael angel

100 LINE Stickers Marathon Afterword

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And there you go! Our 100 sets of LINE stickers are complete! Thanks for hanging around and I’m happy for you if you’ve found something you like among all of them. Thanks a lot to everyone who purchased my stickers, too. I hope they serve you well on your day to day LINE chat!

Overall, I’m glad that I did this project because I was able to experiment and draw various things. To my surprise, I actually managed to generate a somewhat steady stream of passive income with these stickers! It’s not a big amount, but it’s a pretty good pocket money that piles up over time.

For those interested in how much I actually managed to generate, hang around and continue reading!

Passive Income Generated

Keep in mind that each sticker set is sold for ¥120, but after the fees I have to pay Apple, Google and LINE, I only earn ¥31 from each sale.

LINE Store Passive Income

Here’s the data from the first year. This is the amount I’ve generated during the original run of this project from Sep 2018 to May 2019 (Starting from 0 stickers in Sep 2018, publishing a new sticker set twice a week.)

LINE Store Passive Income

You can see that I’m making a steady income stream of around ¥3000~¥4000 per month. Not much, but pretty cool! This is the first time I tried passive income, so I found it quite exciting!

After I finished the 100 stickers project in 2019, I almost never uploaded a new sticker. So I was expecting my works to sink into oblivion and the income stream to stop due to inactivity, but it seems to hold up for awhile.

LINE Store Passive Income

It was quite interesting that despite ignoring my account completely and not doing any promotion, the sales barely dropped! (At this point in time, anyway.)

If anything changed, it’s just that while during the first year a few stickers (particularly the hedgehog and doughnut) did really well compared to the others, as time passes they all evened out. Now I get averagely the same small amount from multiple stickers to make up my final monthly earning.

So far, I haven’t made any payment requests for my sale, so the screenshot below is the total that I’ve made since the day I started in Sep 2018 until May 2021. Certainly not bad for a start, considering I’m just sitting and watching it increase by itself after May 2019. Passive income’s amazing!

LINE Store Passive Income


Not a booming success, but I personally think this project’s pretty successful for a start and as an introduction to passive income. I think LINE’s a super easy place to start since it doesn’t have all the complexities of Amazon and AdSense. If those two overwhelm you like they overwhelmed me, certainly try out LINE just to get one foot into the long journey!

As for me, just ¥31 per sale probably won’t be enough to earn me a living. (Maybe it would if I’m famous, or if I’m willing to promote LINE stickers as my main project at the cost of my other projects…) So I probably won’t be doing another round of 100 stickers. Since I’m more experienced now, I’ll experiment with other possible sources of income such as my own online store, AdSense and YouTube instead. (I might come back and make stickers for fun every once in awhile. Or maybe once I get famous.)

Still, I think this project’s an important stepping stone to boost my confidence and help me move on to greater things. I’ll keep challenging various fields until I earn my financial freedom one day. Then I’ll do more awesome things!

If you have the same goals too, I hope we can meet each other at the top someday. See you around!

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