【Fox Brothers】 Fox Brothers Main Theme

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The main theme for my work Fox Brothers (狐里の狐兄弟)!
The music is created by fumikomidori (ふみこみどり / Otowabi (her website) / YouTube / Twitter). Illustration and video editing are done by me.

Fumiko-san made me this wonderful, festive music upon request. I was so happy because I’ve always loved her traditional Japanese music ever since I discovered them while making Fox Village!

For the theme song, I asked for a traditional Japanese music that sound fun and playful. I intend to use them when making YouTube videos for Fox Brothers and play them as background music in my future exhibition if the gallery allows. I also said that it’ll be nice if it can be played as a relaxing background music while people are reading my comic strips. Fumiko-san took all that and skillfully put them together into this jolly piece. I’m really impressed and satisfied!

The Illustration


For the illustration, I asked Fumiko-san what instruments were used in the music. The original list she gave me was: 三味線、箏、尺八、締太鼓、大太鼓、鼓、笙、拍子木、鉦、ストリングス、アップライトベース、ピアノ (Translation: Shamisen, koto, shakuhachi, shime-daiko, taiko, tsuzumi, shou, hyoushigi, kane/shou, strings, double bass, piano).

It’s a lot of instruments, so I was quite surprised. No wonder it sounds so festive and awesome! So I drew the Fox Brothers characters playing an instrument each. It was quite interesting for me since I didn’t know about some of these instruments like the shou and kane.

  • The green bird sitting on Kuro’s head is based on Fumiko-san’s current Twitter icon. I drew it there as thanks.

About Otowabi

Otowabi is a royalty free music site made and run by fumikomidori (ふみこみどり). All the music there are made by her and can be used for content creation (Please refer to Otowabi’s ToS). Fumiko-san makes mainly traditional Japanese music, but also makes traditional Chinese, Okinawan, and other cultural music. Do check her out since she’s awesome!


The music in this post is created for Fox Brothers and is NOT a copyright free music. For the free version, please check the link below. Thank you so much~!
上記の曲は本作のために作っていただいた曲で、フリー素材ではありません。 フリー素材版は下記のアレンジ版をご確認ください〜 ありがとうございます!☺️

▼ アレンジ版 (ゆっくりゆったりバージョン)

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