Pokemon OC – Team Daisuke

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Pokemon oc Zeraora Floragato fanart ポケモン ゼラオラ ニャローテ イラスト

Team Rhyme Lore page
Team Daisuke, Zera-san’s Pokemon OCs. They became close friends with Team Rhyme during their stay on Aeos Island (Pokemon Unite).

Pokemon trainer oc ポケモン トレーナー

Trainer Daisuke

A young Trainer from a small town in the Johto Region, Daisuke is gentle and soft-spoken. He’s simple and shy, so he tends to keep his distance from others. When he’s drunk, he loosens up and loves attention, much like his Zeraora Yamato. He’d become self-concious when he thinks back about his behavior afterwards. Daisuke met Rhyme on Aeos Island, where the two became good friends as fellow Zeraora Trainers.

Pokemon oc Zeraora Floragato fanart ポケモン ゼラオラ ニャローテ イラスト

Yamato the Zeraora

Species: Zeraora
Gender: Unknown (But he identifies strongly as male)
Height: 160 cm (10 cm taller than the default Zeraora)
Nature: Rash

Daisuke’s Zeraora partner, who’s also the guardian of a forest in the Johto Region (The forest is around 2 cities away from Fula City). A Noctowl in his forest told him that glasses are the symbol of knowledge, so Yamato’s been wanting to wear them ever since. His Trainer then got him a pair of fashion glasses.


Yamato has a Rash Nature, so he’s actually quite relaxed and laid-back. But as the guardian of his forest, he tries his best to be someone people can count on despite his limits (He knows that he’s not that strong, but he tries).

Yamato’s quite an introvert, so he’s satisfied if he can make his small circle of friends happy. Once he’s close to someone, he’ll be friendly to them, but still pretend to be mature because he wants to impress them (His closest friends know that he’s not as mature as they thought).

Yamato's Past

As a young Zeraora, Yamato had been protecting his forest since childhood. When a long cold winter hit his forest, Yamato offered all his food to the other Pokemon and almost died of hunger. It was Daisuke who found and saved Yamato, so they befriended each other.

Truthfully, the Zeraora wanted to stay in the forest, but he felt like he wasn’t strong enough to protect it, so he decided to travel with Daisuke as his Trainer. They return to the forest every once in awhile to make sure that everything’s okay. However, seeing that the Pokemon in the forest are doing well even without him, Yamato sometimes wonder if he’s needed.


  • Yamato loves catnip but is weak to them. When he’s drunk, he loosens up and loves attention.
  • He loves the smell of citrus.
  • Yamato treats Hayate like a younger brother. He’s also quite close to Zephyr and sees him as someone he wants to protect. Yamato also loves his Trainer and the Pokemon in his forest dearly.
  • He learns new things quickly, but tends to get stuck once he reaches the intermediate level.

Hayate the Floragato

Species: Floragato
Gender: Male
Height: 106 cm (16 cm taller than the default Floragato)
Nature: Naive

Daisuke’s Floragato. He’s an innocent cat who gets along well with everyone. Hayate loves his elder sister Kanya the Meowscarada a little too much, their complicated relationship giving him some difficulty in growing up. Being close to Yamato, he’s also starting to show a lot of affection towards the Zeraora. Hayate treats Yamato like his eldest brother and Zephyr as the second elder brother, although all three are around the same age.


Hayate’s always smiling and is energetic. He’s quite innocent and will purr if you pat his head. He’s generally friendly with everyone, but will stay away from people whom he doesn’t like.

Hayate loves his elder sister Kanya a lot, but is rebellious towards her since he’s at his rebellious phase. He hates that Kanya deliberately lets him win whenever they battle or when he wants something. A part of Hayate doesn’t want to grow up, so he pretends to be a kid.

Born on Aeos Island into a loving family, Hayate has no ambitions and is satisfied if he can live his life happily. However, he doesn’t realize that truthfully, he wants to be equals with Kanya so she can count on him.

Hayate's Past

Hayate and his elder sister Kanya the Meowscarada look like they get along, but they have a complicated relationship.

When Hayate was born, Kanya was also still a Sprigatito. They had a sibling rivalry and they fought over their snacks a lot. But then Kanya evolved into a Floragato and always won. Hayate evolved as well afterwards and they were equals again as they picked on each other.

But Hayate knew that the relationship wouldn’t last once Kanya evolved into a Meowscarada. Not wanting to be left behind, Hayate trained really hard with other Pokemon, but even then, Kanya evolved first.

Unlike the difference between a Sprigatito and a Floragato, the power difference between a Floragato and a Meowscarada was too much. Kanya felt bad for Hayate and decided to deliberately let him win every time. Hayate couldn’t forgive this and blamed Kanya for running away, although he knew full well that it was his own fault for being weak. He started hating his sister and his body began to reject the scent of citrus that Kanya likes from this point.

In despair that Kanya was so far out of reach, Hayate pretended to be a kid to feel better. He couldn’t stop although he knew that it wouldn’t solve anything. Thinking that this childish behavior wouldn’t change even if he evolved, Hayate felt the need to grow up personality-wise first. His parents sensed his distress, letting him go with Daisuke after talking to Yamato, who welcomed Hayate happily. Hayate joined them, determined to heal his heart with them and move on from his past.


  • Hayate doesn’t like wearing clothes because they’re rustly and uncomfortable. He doesn’t mind Holowear, but usually doesn’t wear them.
  • Hayate got his silk hat from his parents when he was a Sprigatito and Kanya told thim that it suits him, but he was too young to remember the episode. Even so, he’s so used to wearing it that he feels weird without it.
  • Hayate’s good at making people spoil him. People looking at his cute puppy eyes will want to give him snacks.
  • Hayate’s not particularly powerful, but he’s good at reading people’s feelings and manipulating them during battle. He can tell easily when someone’s sad, so he shows his mature side by being there for them when they need someone.
  • Despite acting like a kid, Hayate’s somewhat more mature than Yamato, so he watches over Yamato’s growth as though Yamato’s his little brother from time to time.
  • He hates the smell of citrus, mainly because he associates it with Kanya and it reminds him of how she’s always too nice to him.

Kanya the Meowscarada

Species: Meowscarada
Gender: Female
Height: (Unspecified)
Nature: (Unspecified)

A wild Meowscarada who’s Hayate’s elder sister. She used to be naughty and energetic, but she calmed down as she grew up. Her general atmosphere leans more to being cute rather than beautiful. She’s now married to an Incineroar named Gaen whom she loves a lot.

Kanya loves her little brother Hayate dearly and spoils him, so she was both happy for Hayate but also sad when the Floragato found a Trainer and had to leave the family.


  • Kanya wears a sunflower brooch which her husband Gaen gave to her. (She originally thought that it didn’t suit her, but wore it when Gaen said that he thinks it does. She gave Gaen a Litten-shaped earring in return. Gaen got angry at first because a male Incineroar wearing something cute looked like a joke, but Kanya saw that he kept the earring safe with him.)
  • Kanya and Gaen love each other a lot. They’ll reconciliate in 2-3 days even if they have a quarrel. They don’t overly display attention to each other in public, but they like spoiling each other when they’re alone.
  • Kanya loves the smell of citrus.

Original Version from Zera-san

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