【100 LINE Stickers Marathon】 91-100

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Cute LINE Stickers for my project, the ‘100 LINE Stickers Marathon‘!

And we’ve finally reached the final set! Stickers in Set 10 include the freshwater eel, panda, Robert the Orange Cat, sweet potato, cinnamon roll, silkworm moth, kiwi, Tanuki-sensei, Shiro and Kuro, and me!

Everything’s listed in the order they were released in my Line Store. I’ll also post the design sheets if they’re available!

Cute LINE Stickers Set 10

Cute LINE Stickers

91) Freshwater Eel

Freshwater eels, or unagi in Japanese, are commonly used in Japanese cooking. Food with unagi are commonly eaten during the summer, so I see a lot of unagi posters during that period. The eel drawings on the posters are cute, so I wanted to make my own sticker set too!


92) Panda

We can’t not draw pandas when we’re drawing cute animals, so have a panda sticker set!


93) Robert the Orange Cat

Made Robert as Loulou‘s friend. I wanted him to be fluffy, round and brightly coloured! Robert has an easygoing and friendly personality. He loves to eat and do workouts.


94) Sweet potato

A funny sweet potato sticker set made in relation to the potato sticker set! Have fun~


95) Cinnamon roll

A cinnamon roll sticker set for all the cinnamon rolls out there. Stay cute and sweet!


96) Silkworm Moth

Suggested by a friend. Silkworm moths are really cute, fluffy, and friendly-looking creatures!


97) Kiwi

A kiwi bird and a kiwi fruit look really similar, don’t you think? I think they’re both fascinating and they make a cute pair!


98) Tanuki-sensei

Our cute and squishy tanuki mascot character Tanuki-sensei! A sweet and easygoing tanuki who likes to enjoy life.


99) Shiro and Kuro

My characters from my manga Fox Village. Shiro and Kuro in their fox forms! They’re brothers who are close and friendly with each other.


100) Me

Finally, as a present to myself for completing this long marathon, I drew a sticker set of me! As this was drawn back in 2019, you can see that I was still using my old designs for myself and Kitsunehime.


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