【 ドラブラ 】 Phantom Sound Fanwork Contest Special Prize!

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Code: Dragon Blood page

Screenshot originally taken on 22 February 2021. The picture I drew won the special prize in CDB’s official Phantom Sound Fanwork Contest!

Phantom Sound Fanwork Contest

ドラブラ Code: Dragon Blood コード:ドラゴンブラッド Dragon Raja 龙族幻想

The above is the contest poster posted on CDB’s official Twitter. You can submit your contest entry to either the Image Category or the Video Category. I still had no idea how to make videos at the time, so I made a fanart of my dear Rhyme!

Winner Announcement

ドラブラ Code: Dragon Blood コード:ドラゴンブラッド Dragon Raja 龙族幻想

The above screenshot is the contest winner announcement posted on CDB’s official Twitter. I’m rhyme@rhyme_cdb. You can find me in the Image Category Special Prize Winner list (the top left box). I was really happy to win since Phantom Sound’s one of my favourite jobs in CDB. Thank you so much!!

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