【 ドラブラ 】 Thank You Club Nidhogg! – Part 1

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ドラブラ Code: Dragon Blood コード:ドラゴンブラッド Dragon Raja 龙族幻想

Pictures originally taken on 15 August 2020. Club Nidhogg disbanded on Saturday, 15 August 2020 after the Defend Boss event (details). Having spent a lot of time and effort into improving and raising the club, as well as the club being a place where I’ve made a lot of new friends, the disbandment was one of the most emotional moments of my life. I’ve never cried so much! ;-;

I’ve saved all the messages from that time because they meant a lot to me. This post is a report about how things went on that day.

ドラブラ Code: Dragon Blood コード:ドラゴンブラッド Dragon Raja 龙族幻想


  • We were looking at the beautiful fireworks together on the last day.
  • Baiza-san gave the last attack on our final Defend Boss event!
  • After that, we returned to the club base and said our farewells to each other and to the World Chat. Thank you to everyone who wished us!
  • While saying our farewells, everyone came to surround me. I cried so much! ;-;
ドラブラ Code: Dragon Blood コード:ドラゴンブラッド Dragon Raja 龙族幻想
ドラブラ Code: Dragon Blood コード:ドラゴンブラッド Dragon Raja 龙族幻想


Everyone crying a lot!

ドラブラ Code: Dragon Blood コード:ドラゴンブラッド Dragon Raja 龙族幻想


After everyone calmed down, I was thinking of taking our last club photo and disbanding the club, but…

ドラブラ Code: Dragon Blood コード:ドラゴンブラッド Dragon Raja 龙族幻想


Baiza-san suddenly kidnapped me and brought me to my favourite Siberia map! It seemed that Solana-san had prepared a surprise for me with the rest of our members!! Everyone there sent me in-game messages with gifts and I’ve never felt so loved before. I cried for three hours straight that I got a headache!! I love everyone so much! ;-;

ドラブラ Code: Dragon Blood コード:ドラゴンブラッド Dragon Raja 龙族幻想
ドラブラ Code: Dragon Blood コード:ドラゴンブラッド Dragon Raja 龙族幻想


Lastly, everyone hugged each other and the club disbanded. Nidhogg, thank you for being a warm and loving club that gave us wonderful memories till the end! Thank you to all our members and all those who have played with us and supported us. Members, may you continue having lots of fun after this!

ドラブラ Code: Dragon Blood コード:ドラゴンブラッド Dragon Raja 龙族幻想

We are the Wind of Freedom server’s Club Nidhogg!

ドラブラ Code: Dragon Blood コード:ドラゴンブラッド Dragon Raja 龙族幻想

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