【 ドラブラ 】 Cassel Dream Theater, My Server’s User Poll Nominees

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ドラブラ Code: Dragon Blood コード:ドラゴンブラッド Dragon Raja 龙族幻想

Pictures originally taken on 6 September 2021. A total of 6 people from my server (Wind of Freedom and Road to Ascension) were chosen as nominees for CDB’s Dream Theater contest user poll. I was eager to meet and congratulate everyone, so I organized a photoshoot with Mugi-san’s help (Thanks, Mugi-san!).

Everyone looked so awesome and I had so much fun taking photos with them! It was still the first few days of the voting period, so we made friends and cheered for each other.

ドラブラ Code: Dragon Blood コード:ドラゴンブラッド Dragon Raja 龙族幻想

The above screenshot is collected from CDB’s official user poll page during the contest. Fio-san and Mugi-san were nominated for the Best Princess category, me for Best Prince, and Mei-san, Micol-san and Nachi-san for Best Supporting Cast. Below are the photos from the photoshoot. Thanks for coming, everyone! I’m happy to be able to make friends with you!

ドラブラ Code: Dragon Blood コード:ドラゴンブラッド Dragon Raja 龙族幻想

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