【 ドラブラ 】 EVA & Anjou. My first Dragon Raja Fanart!

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ドラブラ Code: Dragon Blood コード:ドラゴンブラッド Dragon Raja 龙族幻想 EVA アンジェ

Code: Dragon Blood page
Since I got the permission to post my Dragon Raja fanart here, I’ll start uploading starting from my old ones! The above picture is the first fanart I made for CDB back in May 2020, when I first started playing and made Rhyme’s Twitter. They’re principal Anjou and his AI assistant EVA. In CDB, you start your life in a dragonslayer school. These two help you out and they’re one of my favourite characters!

I remembered the time when the game’s just released in Japan (April 2020) and there were still a lot of players. The game was pretty popular and also got to the first place on the AppStore ranking those days. It was fun!

Most of all, I love how CDB’s official Twitter’s really responsive to the users and involved them in various activities. Back then, they even had a sub-account that acted as EVA, supported players in need and retweeted good fanart (This account kind of died down when the user base got smaller over time. The main official account still continues with user support). I find that they make a good environment for creators.

It was a nice change since I was used to the system in which players and official staff are two completely separate entities that don’t communicate. Some people say that that’s preferred since they want to keep a professional air. But truthfully, I feel that it’s a stone-cold system. I really much prefer if creators and customers talk to each other and spend their time knowing each other better. As a creator, I’d really want to know what my users like and think, after all! So CDB’s official staff is awesome for me!

Either way, I’ll be posting more of my fanart soon. Look forward to them!

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