【 ドラブラ 】 First Club Party and New Members

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Code: Dragon Blood page

Pictures originally taken on 23 June 2020. We gathered enough funds for Nidhogg’s first club party! Thank you everyone!

ドラブラ Code: Dragon Blood コード:ドラゴンブラッド Dragon Raja 龙族幻想

There were events like partying, fireworks and onsen party. In the onsen party, your clothes got taken off automatically, so everyone were laughing! (Baiza-san and I went to the training field after that and forgot to put on our clothes. Oops…)

ドラブラ Code: Dragon Blood コード:ドラゴンブラッド Dragon Raja 龙族幻想

Bobotan turned her avatar into a male avatar for fun! The ones below are pictures with our new members Son Chichi-san, Arcus-san, Byakuya-san and Mia-chan!

ドラブラ Code: Dragon Blood コード:ドラゴンブラッド Dragon Raja 龙族幻想

A picture of us from one of the afternoon events. Have a bonus Rira-san, too!

ドラブラ Code: Dragon Blood コード:ドラゴンブラッド Dragon Raja 龙族幻想

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