【 ドラブラ 】 Playing Code: Dragon Blood

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Code: Dragon Blood コード:ドラゴンブラッド Dragon Raja 龙族幻想

Code: Dragon Blood page

Hello! Since I’m posting a lot of Code: Dragon Blood art here, I thought I might as well talk a little about the game and how I got into it. I started playing in April 2020, some two weeks after the game was released in Japan. I’ve been playing everyday ever since, made a lot of fanwork and friends, and grew a lot as a person through my adventures!

Code: Dragon Blood

Code: Dragon Blood (コード:ドラゴンブラッド / ドラブラ / 龙族幻想 / Dragon Raja) is an MMORPG developed by Archosaur Games and distributed by Tencent Games. The story’s set in a futuristic world where dragonslayers fight dragons. The player character has a powerful half-dragon bloodline as a result of secret experiments. Taken in by a dragonslaying school, they train to avenge their deceased friends and protect the world from the threat of evil dragons.

System-wise, CDB’s a free mobile game with in-game purchase and can be downloaded from the App Store. Complete with guild systems and PvP, there are a lot of ways you can enjoy the game. I play mainly for the avatar, the beautiful graphics, and the Twitter community. Everything looks awesome, so it’s totally worth giving a look!

Code: Dragon Blood コード:ドラゴンブラッド Dragon Raja 龙族幻想
My character Rhyme with the Soul Dancer (共生) job class.
How I got into the game

April 2020. I wanted to draw some original manga, but my inspiration was dry and I was stuck in a rut. I wanted to challenge the fantasy x futuristic mix. Something like Final Fantasy XIV where you have both magic and modern machines and transport in the same space. But since I couldn’t seem to come up with a good plot of my own, I looked around for references.

Then a stroke of luck! CDB’s advertisement happened to show up on my Twitter timeline. And it so happened that it had the fantasy x futuristic mix that I was looking for! Happy that I found a good reference, I thought I’d just play for maybe a week or two, grab whatever inspiration I can, and get straight back to my manga.

Well… Things happened and it certainly didn’t go as planned!

Code: Dragon Blood コード:ドラゴンブラッド Dragon Raja 龙族幻想
My first screenshots. Soul Dancers are so captivating~
Code: Dragon Blood コード:ドラゴンブラッド Dragon Raja 龙族幻想
The first MMO that I played a lot

CDB’s only my third MMO. I’ve played RuneScape for a short while back in my school days. And then AION for a very short while (I loved it, but I had to stop playing because I got busy T-T). CDB’s the first time I stuck this long and played thoroughly. I think it’s mainly because I really enjoy the designs and the community. Meeting so many new people, I learned a lot of new things and had lots of fun! Also, I usually play mostly Japanese RPGs, so seeing something made by China was interesting and refreshing!

Other than that, CDB’s official Twitter being easy to reach is particularly a plus point for me. I also like that they hold a lot of events and contests, so I get to see a lot of other people’s works. It’s awesome!

Being relatively new to MMO, there were a few silly episodes because I had no idea about the basics (Oops!). A major one was my sis and I not knowing that our characters can’t meet if they’re in different servers! I actually made my account in the 白鳥の隕 (Death of the Swan) server, but sis made hers in the 自由の風 (Wind of Freedom) server (We both just picked whatever was recommended by the system). I was the one inviting sis, so I remade my account in her server.

Code: Dragon Blood コード:ドラゴンブラッド Dragon Raja 龙族幻想
My first account in the Swan server.
Code: Dragon Blood コード:ドラゴンブラッド Dragon Raja 龙族幻想 Rhyme Solana
Moving to the Wind server to play with sis.

Still, it was surprisingly a happy accident as the Wind server turned out to be the most populated server with a lot of awesome creators in it! I also met one of my best friends Bobotan over there!

From there, I went on to make my first guild, become one of the major creators in the community, won several official contests, overcome my shyness, and become a braver person who can take initiative!


With all my experiences, I was really glad I played CDB! I was glad I happened to see that ad on Twitter and stuck my hands into it! I’ll write more about my adventures and game log in the Adventures of Rhyme section of the Code: Dragon Blood page. Check them out if you’re interested!

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