【 ドラブラ 】 Rhyme Character Sheet (Default 1)

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Code: Dragon Blood page
The character sheet for my avatar Rhyme in the MMORPG Code: Dragon Blood (コード:ドラゴンブラッド / ドラブラ / 龙族幻想 / Dragon Raja)!

Rhyme Character Sheet (Default 1)

ドラブラ Code: Dragon Blood コード:ドラゴンブラッド Dragon Raja 龙族幻想



  • Rhyme1 / Wind of Freedom server / Soul dancer
  • President of Club Nidhogg
  • Cassel College’s new student
  • Student Union, idol


  • Lean build with a child-like face
  • Long eyelashes, thick eyebrows, pale skin
  • Bad with physical activities but is a great strategist
  • Small animal


  • Normally shy and cries easily, but he does his best to hide that personality as a club president.
  • Is a healer, but also puts importance in his fighting abilities using fire cores.
  • Behaves boldly as a club president, but is gentle during his off days.
  • A cute boy who’s very close to his Gemini, Echo.
  • Rhyme tries his best to be nice to everyone.
  • He despises how weak he is and works hard to get stronger.
  • The destruction of his orphanage was a great trauma. (He doesn’t want to lose more people who are important to him. He feels guilty when he sees girls who resemble Renata.)
  • Rhyme loves his teacher. He also pledges loyalty to the Gattuso family and the Student Union after meeting Caesar.

Echo Character Sheet (Default 1)

ドラブラ Code: Dragon Blood コード:ドラゴンブラッド Dragon Raja 龙族幻想



  • Rhyme’s Gemini (A soul dancer’s spiritual half/twin)
  • Opposite to Rhyme, Echo has a strong personality and likes to pick on people.
  • Echo is born from a fragment of Rhyme’s soul to protect Rhyme when he was a helpless child.
  • Rhyme’s safety is Echo’s purpose.


  • One eye is always covered.
  • Always seems calm and collected.

Rhyme’s past (Imagination party!!)

  • Rhyme was a mysterious 5-year-old boy Herzog found and saved from the wolves in Siberia’s woods.
    → He’s a soul dancer who doesn’t have a name, so Herzog named him Rifma (Рифма / Rhyme) and his Gemini Eha (Эхо / Echo) respectively.
    → As a result of their meeting, Rifma and Eha saw Herzog as a father figure who’s important to them.
  • Born and raised in Siberia, Rifma speaks fluent Russian.
  • Traumatized by the incident at his orphanage, Rifma was unable to move forward. After Principal Anjou took them in, they followed his advice to discard their past weaknesses, changing their names to Rhyme and Echo and starting a new life.

In-game Rhyme

Artist's Notes & Trivia

Rhyme’s a mixture of so many things that I don’t usually do when I’m making a character! He’s what came out when I decided to do something new and overall, I loved how things turned out. He’s really my precious child~

  • When playing games, my avatars were always female. Rhyme’s the first time I made a male avatar.
    → Because I started playing CDB looking for inspiration for my original shonen manga, I made Rhyme while keeping a shonen protagonist in mind. I was expecting to stay for only a week or two, but looks like fate had other plans.
  • I always loved the black hair x blue eyes combination, but then I realized that I didn’t have a single original character with it, so Rhyme got that.
  • Still keeping shonen manga protag in mind, I originally wanted to make Rhyme 15 years old. But you can’t make anything look younger than 17-ish with CDB’s character creator, so there you go!
  • Most of my original characters are bold, brave and strong-willed, so I thought it’ll be fun to test out shy, gentle and kind.
  • In games, I’d normally go for job classes that hit hard. But I fell in love with the soul dancer class at first sight, so we have our first healer!

Design Details

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