【 ドラブラ 】 Rhyme Character Sheet (Default 2 / Post-Nidhogg)

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Code: Dragon Blood page
The second character sheet for my avatar Rhyme in the MMORPG Code: Dragon Blood (コード:ドラゴンブラッド / ドラブラ / 龙族幻想 / Dragon Raja)!

This is the version of Rhyme after he has spent some time in Cassel College. Meeting a lot of new people and friends during his time as the president of Club Nidhogg, Rhyme has grown into a confident dragonslayer.

First character sheet here.

Rhyme Character Sheet (Default 2 / Post-Nidhogg)

ドラブラ Code: Dragon Blood コード:ドラゴンブラッド Dragon Raja 龙族幻想



  • Rhyme1 / Wind of Freedom server / Soul dancer
  • Proud president of Club Nidhogg from April 2020 to August 2020
    → After Nidhogg disbanded, Rhyme took a break before going on a journey to see how other clubs handle their activities, hoping to learn from them.
  • Student Union / idol


  • Lean build, pale skin, thick eyebrows
  • Confident expression and posture.
  • Bad with physical activities but is a great strategist
  • During battles, he does his best no matter how weak he is.
  • Developed into a proper, dependable student from a small animal after his experiences as Club Nidhogg’s president.


  • 17 years old. Born and raised in Siberia, so he’s fluent in Russian.
  • Used to be shy and cried easily, but he became more sociable and strong-willed after making a lot of friends at Cassel College.
  • He’s very close to his Gemini, Echo.
  • The massacre at his orphanage was still a great trauma.
    → Rhyme feels guilt as the only survivor and sometimes has nightmares about it.
    → He easily becomes emotional when he recalls the event.

Echo Character Sheet (Default 2 / Post-Nidhogg)

ドラブラ Code: Dragon Blood コード:ドラゴンブラッド Dragon Raja 龙族幻想



  • Rhyme’s Gemini (A soul dancer’s spiritual half/twin)
  • Echo has a strong personality and likes to pick on people, but he often calmly gives advice to Rhyme.
  • Echo was born from a fragment of Rhyme’s soul to protect Rhyme when he was a helpless child.
  • Rhyme’s safety is Echo’s purpose.


  • Always seems calm and collected.


  • A mysterious Gemini who suddenly appeared at Cassel one day after Rhyme fought Osho at the broadcasting tower.
  • He has no memory except that he’s “Rhyme’s Gemini”.
    → Since he looks like Echo, Rhyme calls him ‘Reecho’ for now.
  • Reecho has the feeling that something terrible will happen if he doesn’t find out about his true identity soon.
    → Rhyme offers to help, so he tags along to look for clues.


  • Looks and behaves exactly like Echo.
  • Reecho seems to be an unstable presence, so he appears and disappears sometimes.

Character Relationship Chart

ドラブラ Code: Dragon Blood コード:ドラゴンブラッド Dragon Raja 龙族幻想


Rhyme’s past

  • A mysterious boy and his Gemini found and rescued from the wolves by Herzog in Siberia’s forest.
    → Herzog named him Rifma (Рифма / Rhyme) and his Gemini Eha (Эхо / Echo) respectively.
    → The two of them think of Herzog as their beloved father.
  • Traumatized by the incident at his orphanage, Rifma was unable to move forward. Following Principal Anjou’s advice, he and Eha changed their names to Rhyme and Echo. They decide to leave behind their past and lead a new life.
  • Rhyme’s greatly perplexed after he found out Osho’s true identity.
    → He constantly feels lost whenever he’s fighting afterwards.

Character Relationships

  • Herzog: Beloved father whom Rhyme’s eager to please. Rhyme owes his life to him.
  • Bondarev: Rhyme looks up to Bondarev since he’s from the capital city, a place he’s eager to go to. He felt great shock when Bondarev shows his true nature.
  • Zero, Renata, Anton, Khorkina, Vera: Family. Beloved brothers and sisters from the orphanage.
  • Anjou: After what happened at the orphanage, Rhyme couldn’t even trust Anjou despite his kindness at first. But now, Anjou is the one he trusts the most.
  • Caesar: They just met but Caesar gave Rhyme a bike for free! (Rhyme had always dreamt of riding one.) He pledged his loyaty to Caesar right there and then.
  • Nono, Chu Zihang: Dependable seniors. Rhyme wants to follow in their footsteps.
  • Erii, Lu Mingfei: If he himself can’t live a happy life, Rhyme wants to see his friends find happiness.
  • Finger: He takes things lightly, so Rhyme finds him easy to talk to. He somewhat sees Finger as an elder brother.
  • EVA: Rhyme admires her.
  • Osho: Rhyme still thinks of him as someone precious to him despite what he did. He wants to save him rather than defeat him.
  • Chime: Chime hates Osho. Rhyme understands his feelings, but feels awkward being around him.
  • Chisei: Like Rhyme himself, Chisei is also forced to fight someone he loves in the name of justice. So Rhyme always keeps an eye out for Chisei’s actions and decisions.

In-game Rhyme, Echo and Reecho

ドラブラ Code: Dragon Blood コード:ドラゴンブラッド Dragon Raja 龙族幻想

Artist's Notes & Trivia

  • I based a lot of Rhyme’s character sheet and growth on my experiences as I played.
  • Reecho is based on a bug where a copy of my Gemini will just randomly appear on the map. I think they fixed it by now, but I used to have 2 Echoes on my screen at least once a week and it was so cool!

Design Details

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