【 Dungeons and Dragons 】 The Master’s Vault

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Dungeons & Dragons The Master's Vault

Dungeons & Dragons page
A Dungeons & Dragons session based on the adventure ‘The Master’s Vault’ written by James Introcaso. This session was played on Roll20 and DM-ed by the awesome DimensionSlip! This is also Birb’s and my first ever D&D session, played and finished in October 2021. Thanks for introducing us to this wonderful TRPG, Slip!

Upon her death, the powerful elf Elaria Feywing left behind a mysterious will. With the help of Elaria’s familiar Sephy, it was up to her disciples Gwynfor and Rifma to figure out what was hidden in their master’s vault. However, the hands of evil also seemed to be after Elaria’s secrets.

My Notes

This was Slip’s first experience DM-ing, and Birb and my first D&D adventure ever, so we picked something simple and there was a lot of tria-and-error. Overall, I think the dice did some really awesome things throughout the story. The developments were always exciting and we had lots of fun!

For my character, since this was mostly a test, I just picked Rhyme. But I thought it’ll be fun to try out one of the existing D&D races other than humans, so I picked the Yuan-ti! His character in this session’s mostly inspired by the evil Rhyme I made for CDB—a boy blinded by love and loyalty to his evil master.

The Yuan-ti’s lore fit that setting nicely. I also like how they have really detailed culture and history in their lore when I looked it up. Certainly a well-made race and one of my favourites!

If you’re reading the story log, I hope you enjoy it! Thanks also to Slip and Birb for playing with me with their wonderful characters!

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