【 Dungeons and Dragons 】 The Master’s Vault Chapters 1 to 3

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A session log of our D&D adventure with ‘The Master’s Vault’ . Details in the contents page (link above).

Chapter 1 – Rat Infestation

Elaria Feywing, also known as the master, is a beautiful elf and the famous mentor to many heroes. Her beloved cat and familiar Sephy by her side, she continues to raise new students through her 800 years of life. Even so, Elaria would pick only those whom she deems worthy as her students. Her latest batch includes Gwynfor, an aged barbarian moon elf who would like to revise the basics of battle before going on an adventure, and Rifma, a promising young human bard who have heard Elaria’s heroic tales in many songs and would like to train under her.

After dinner one night, Elaria tells her two students that her mansion’s storage is infested by rats. She playfully tasks them with the clean-up job. Rifma and Gwynfor head to the storage with Sephy to help them, eager to be useful to their teacher.

After breaking down the locked door and inadvertently activating a poison gas trap, the three get through and fight the rats. This is apparently a test set up by Elaria. Rifma uses the crates as a barricade, but the rats have made holes in them and slip through. Gwynfor tries to climb over the crates to get to the other rats, but failed twice. He’s assured that his old bones must be rickety. Despite the mess the two novices made, they’re eventually able to clear the rats with Sephy’s help, earning Elaria’s praise.

Chapter 2: Elaria’s Will

It’s a cold, rainy day in the town of Parabor. 3 days ago, Elaria has died quietly in her sleep. Everyone gathers to mourn her passing during her funeral. Those close to her step up to give their speeches and talk about their fond memories of her. Gwynfor talks about how despite his training, he’s always humbled whenever he fights Elaria as she shows him what true strength is. Rifma sings a solemn requiem of how Elaria has been the light to many. She has raised her students to be able to reach their dreams, and that she’ll always be remembered even after her death. Gwyn strokes the sad Sephy comfortingly as he listens to Rifma’s song with the others.

Things settle down after the funeral. Gwyn, Rifma and Sephy are just talking about Elaria when a solicitor approaches them, telling them to meet her in her office as she has something to show them. The three agree and follow her. After settling down with some tea and cat food for Sephy, the solicitor shows what has come into her possession–Elaria’s will.

It’s a cryptic message with clues about Elaria’s secret vault—the locked door behind her mansion. After her death, Elaria hands over the possession of her mansion and remaining wealth to her last students Gwynfor and Rifma. She has also left hints to find the keys to the vault in the Icebound Peaks, the Staircase Cliffs and the Dolor Forest. Elaria urges Gwynfor and Rifma to hurry as there are people who are after the things in her vault, and that her death wasn’t an act of nature.

Wanting to figure out the mystery behind their mentor’s death, Gwynfor and Rifma decide to take up the quest, with the loyal Sephy by their side.

Chapter 3: The Ghost of Dolor Forest – Part 1

Out of the three places hinted in Elaria’s will, Gwynfor and Rifma decide to head to Dolor Forest first, following Rifma’s suggestion. Rifma seems to enjoy being in nature. Gwynfor agrees as he isn’t too thrilled about climbing the Cliffs, remembering how much he tripped over the crates in Elaria’s storage room. The two read Elaria’s will to see what they have to do.

The task in Dolor Forest is to find the tree where Elaria buried her favourite pupil and co-mentor Helene Aerdune. Her restless spirit seems to know the vault’s keys’ whereabouts. After finishing their preparations, Gwynfor and Rifma set out with Sephy.

Dolor Forest is dark with a heavy air, where sunlight doesn’t pass through its thick canopy. The twisted trees and maze-like roads invoke images of horror and nightmares. Helene being Elaria’s favourite pupil, Rifma was expecting her final resting place to be a beautiful forest. But here he is, lost for hours and feeling the emotional strain with his companions. Walking deeper into the forest, the three run into a pack of three hungry wolves. Alarmed, Rifma and Sephy hide behind Gwynfor.

Rifma suggests that they stick together so the wolves don’t pick them out one by one. Knowing that the wolves can’t climb trees, Rifma adds that they should all climb up the nearest giant tree and attack the wolves from there. Traumatized by his failed climbing experience, Gwynfor thinks that it’s crazy but he decides to give it a shot.

To everyone’s surprise and delight, Gwynfor succeeds! Rifma and Sephy successfully follow suit. They eventually manage to defeat the wolf pack completely unscathed. Growing a closer bond after the battle, they climb down the tree and proceed on their journey.

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