【 Pokémon Unite 】 A Short Respite

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Pokemon Unite zeraora ポケモンユナイト ゼラオラ

Pokémon Unite page
Pokémon Unite fan comic. Partially game log, partially imagination. Just what Team Rhyme’s been up to lately!


Published on 14 Dec 2023 and completed on 13 Feb 2024.
50 pages / K / Slice of Life, Friendship, Romance
Read from left to right.



Zephyr and Rhyme did it! They reached their dream of becoming a Zeraora world ranker and Zephyr’s now a strong Zeraora! With Rhyme being busy with life, Zephyr and the team got some time to rest from their battles. Zephyr thinks of visiting his friend Neon, whom he has complicated feelings with, during his free time.

  • Scenes with Neon and Zeraflad are based on RPs with their respective owners Leo and Flad (Fladervy: Twitter / Twitch).

Artist's Notes

Hiii! Thank you so much for reading this! Hope you liked it~ I’ve been RPing Zephyr’s interactions with Neon for a long time with Leo, so it’s nice to be able to organize them into a presentable work. Happy to be able to introduce other characters like Filio and Zeraflad too ^^

It’s quite interesting to play around with Neon and Zephyr’s relationship since they have opposite personalities and are both genderless Pokémon. Through my endless digging of Zeraora fanart and fanfics, I haven’t come across anyone mentioning or exploring the fact that they’re genderless! I think it would’ve been especially interesting to include when it’s a story with a ship/pairing, so I hope to see more works like that. Have my imagination about it in the meantime!

Pokemon Unite zeraora lucario alolan vulpix ポケモンユナイト ゼラオラ ルカリオ アローラロコン
Pokemon Unite zeraora ポケモンユナイト ゼラオラ
Pokemon Unite zeraora ポケモンユナイト ゼラオラ


  • Neon belongs to Leo. Scenes with Neon are based on RPs with Leo.
  • Zeraflad belongs to Flad (Fladervy: Twitter / Twitch). Scenes with Zeraflad are based on RPs with Flad.
  • Page 1-2: Real cats identify each other by scent and use their scent to mark their territory and belongings. They rub themselves against people to leave their scent on them, too.
  • Page 9: Although Rhyme and his Pokémon are mostly idealists, Echo’s more realistic but he means well.
  • Page 17: Leo and I RPed the scene of Zephyr fighting Neon to decide who’s the boss before knowing that real cats actually have the same habit!
  • Page 18: Leo and I had a 1v1 match in Unite for this, so this match actually happened.
  •  Page 21: Happy worked with Nurse Joys in Pokémon Centers as a professional nurse in the past, so she’s good at handling human tools.
  • Page 42~ : Zephyr averts his gaze till the end, scared of Neon’s answer.


Thank you for always reading and commenting on my works! And thanks a lot to the ones sending me things, too. They really cheer me up and I’m happy that you enjoyed this little comic ;u;

Pokemon Unite zeraora ポケモンユナイト ゼラオラ

Chinese Dub by 榊燯Tanpan (Twitter / bilibili)

Pokemon Unite zeraora ポケモンユナイト ゼラオラ

Fanwork by GamingasCZ (Twitter)

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