【 Pokémon Unite 】 Team Eric

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Pokemon Unite lucario espeon garchomp ポケモンユナイト ルカリオ エーフィ ガブリアス

Pokémon Unite page
Pokémon Unite fanart. Character sheets of my friend Eric and his team! Character bio by Eric and art by me. You can read their bio below~

Eric (Trainer) – The Rookie in Emerald

A seventeen year old boy born in the Saorsó Region, a smaller region off the west side of the Galar Region.

Eric has had his Pokémon for many years, but didn’t decide to become a fully fledged Pokémon Trainer until he was sixteen. Reason being that he didn’t feel that he was ready yet at a younger age. In fact, even after becoming a Trainer, he still didn’t feel ready at all. His insecurities weighed on his mind a lot and his own doubts really got to him, even in the most inopportune times like in the midst of a battle. Despite this though, he continued his journey in hopes of one day getting out of his own head.

He would continue to journey around the Region, not doing very much aside from travelling and taking in the sights with his, at the time, two partners Elpis the Lucario and Kou the Espeon. One day though, everything changed when he encountered a Pokémon Trainer by the name of Rhyme. After chatting with him a bit and learning about something called Unite Battles, the two became good friends. Rhyme even invited him to come back to Aeos Island with him to join the Unite Battles.

Since that day, Eric’s gained a lot more confidence in his abilities and himself, gained a new Pokémon in the form of Kyōryoku, and advanced to Expert Class. He hopes to soon join Rhyme in the Master Class and battle with him, as thanks for helping him find his confidence.

Elpis (Lucario) – The Emerald-Eyed Jackal

Elpis was Eric’s first ever Pokémon and his most beloved friend. He was given to Eric for his tenth birthday as a Riolu. Ever since that fateful day, him and Eric have been inseparable.

Elpis was found one day by the Saorsó Region’s Pokémon Professor, Professor Fir, and was brought back to her lab to be researched, as Elpis was mysteriously born with green eyes. Eric’s parents came into the lab one day to ask Professor Fir if she could catch their son another Riolu. But as she couldn’t find any reason for Elpis’ eye colour, she decided to just let them have Elpis. As such, even to this day, it is still unknown why Elpis’ eyes are green, but Rhyme speculated that it might be a similar situation to the “Shiny” phenomenon that occurs in Pokémon species.

Elpis and Eric would go on many childhood adventures together, and he would actively go to school with Eric to keep him company. Elpis was a very affectionate Pokémon, and loved nothing more than seeing Eric smile. You could say he and Eric developed quite the powerful “Bond.” Eventually, Elpis evolved into a Lucario, which was Eric’s favourite Pokémon ever, so they naturally became even closer since that day.

Elpis would eventually go journeying around the Saorsó Region alongside Eric and Kou the Espeon, until one day meeting Rhyme and going with him to Aeos Island to join Unite Battles. He’s even under personal mentorship from Rhyme’s Lucario, Ruka. Since then, Elpis has become Eric’s main battler alongside newcomer partner Kyōryoku the Garchomp. He wants to help Eric get into Master Class so that they can battle alongside Rhyme.

Nature – Relaxed | Moves – Extreme Speed, Close Combat, Aura Sphere, Bulk Up

Kou (Espeon) – Angel of the Mind

Kou was Eric’s second ever Pokémon. She met Eric one day when Eric and his family, including Elpis, went on a holiday to the Alola Region. Eric was eleven at the time.

Eric and Elpis the Lucario saved her from an Alolan Raticate that was attacking her when she was just a little Eevee. She then followed Eric all the way back to the hotel he was staying at. After convincing his parents, Eric was allowed to keep her and she went back home to Saorsó with them. Eric noticed that Kou was a decent bit bigger than a normal Eevee and eventually found out that Kou had a hint of Totemism in her DNA, which causes Pokémon to grow larger than usual. Not that Eric had any complaints though…

Kou eventually evolved into an Espeon and grew to become very intelligent, as a Psychic-Type Pokémon tends to be. She became capable of doing many things with her psychic abilities, from helping Eric’s mom around the house to playing video games with Eric and Elpis. When she had evolved, she made a silent promise to them and herself that she would do everything in her power to protect them, as thanks for saving her all the years ago. And she’s done very well in upholding that promise.

Nowadays, she and the rest of Team Eric compete in Unite Battles, though Kou doesn’t battle nearly as much as Elpis or Kyōryoku the Garchomp. She prefers to be in Eric’s lap and getting pets from him and cuddling with him, not that Eric minds.

Nature – Sassy | Moves – Psyshock, Psybeam, Future Sight, Psychic Solare

Kyōryoku (Garchomp) – The Sharp-Clawed Specialist

After about a month and a half of participating in the Unite League, Eric felt it was about time that he get a third team member. He tried out a few different Pokémon Licences, but none of them seemed “for him.” That is, until he met Kyōryoku.

Kyōryoku, or just Kyō for short, was a bit of a veteran Unite Battler, and thus was quite adept in manoeuvring his way around the battlefield and battle enemy Pokémon. Not to mention that, since he was a Garchomp, he was an absolute powerhouse. Eric was left in awe at his abilities and decided to recruit him as his third team member.

Eric was naturally a bit intimidated by Kyōryoku at first, but it turns out that, even with how aggressive he was on the battlefield, Kyō was actually just a big softie on the inside. Kyō very quickly grew infatuated with Eric after seeing how much Eric loved his friends and Pokémon. Kyō had always silently wished he could have a trainer like him.

He’s even made a cute little habit of protecting Eric by wrapping his wings around him.

Nature – Brave | Moves – Dragon Rush, Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Outrage

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