And we’ve finally reached the final set! Stickers in Set 10 include the freshwater eel, panda, Robert the Orange Cat, sweet potato, cinnamon roll, silkworm moth, kiwi, Tanuki-sensei, Shiro and Kuro, and me!
Freshwater eels, or unagi in Japanese, are commonly used in Japanese cooking. Food with unagi are commonly eaten during the summer, so I see a lot of unagi posters during that period. The eel drawings on the posters are cute, so I wanted to make my own sticker set too!
Made Robert as Loulou‘s friend. I wanted him to be fluffy, round and brightly coloured! Robert has an easygoing and friendly personality. He loves to eat and do workouts.
Finally, as a present to myself for completing this long marathon, I drew a sticker set of me! As this was drawn back in 2019, you can see that I was still using my old designs for myself and Kitsunehime.