【Journal】Approved by Google AdSense!

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Google Adsense

Awesome news, guys! I’m now approved by Google AdSense! Yay!!

It really took the whole 2 weeks for the email to come, so I was quite jittery near the end. Like, what if it didn’t register that I pasted the AdSense code? Or maybe I didn’t have enough content and they won’t let me pass? Luckily, just when I was getting desperate, the approval mail came. I was so glad and relieved when I saw it!

While waiting for the mail, I had written and published around 40 posts (At least one post a day). The moment I finished work, I went to set up Google’s auto ads straight away. And then I ran into a bit of a problem.

The auto ads showed up on mobile just fine but didn’t show up on desktop at all. When I Googled it, it seemed to be a common problem. One person said that it just took longer for the ads to show up on desktop, so I just waited for it. Yesterday, 3 days after I received the email, the ads finally showed up. Cheers!!

Google Adsense

I’ll probably put some ads manually here and there after this. But otherwise, this site should be mostly set now! Just a little more and I can finally tell people of this site’s existence~ (I can’t wait!)

Right now, I’m at 48 posts and really enjoying it! I’m still in the process of archiving my old works. Recently, I finally finished organizing the files in my computer. I see that I still have A LOT of drawings I’d like to upload. If things go smoothly, I’ll finish archiving by the next two weeks.

So far, I’m really happy that this site’s slowly starting to look like my beautiful online home. I think one really good thing is that now I can easily see all my works on display. Laying them all out like this also gave me the chance to evaluate everything and think about how to improve them. I look forward to making my next projects after I finish archiving!

  • See here if you want to read about me preparing the site I and submitting it to Google AdSense.

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