【NINURTA】 NINURTA Artist’s Notes

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‘NINURTA’ is a comic series based on the Mesopotamian ‘Myth of Anzû’. The courageous god of agriculture and hunting Ninurta pursues the beast Anzû to take back the stolen Tablet of Destinies.

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Language: Japanese
Genre: Fantasy, Adventure
Characters created by: Denta (Twitter / Pixiv)
Written and illustrated by: Lychnis (My username at the time)
Original run: 2017/11/18 ~ 2018/9/14 (Updated on the 14th of every month)
Chapters: 11 (Complete)

‘NINURTA’ (戦士の王 -NINURTA-) is a collaboration manga between my friend Denta-san and I (under the name Lychnis). It was originally uploaded on Pixiv and shared on Twitter (the accounts used are now deleted).

At the time, I’ve newly discovered the hero’s journey story structure, so I would like to practice using it. Having an interest in Denta-san’s passionate art and character design of the characters from the Mesopotamian myths, I asked if I can borrow her characters to make a short comic series.

NINURTA Artist’s Notes

Out of all the Mesopotamian gods, I’m particularly interested in Ninurta. He’s the god of farming, hunting, law, healing and war. I first found him through Denta-san’s works and loved her cute design of him. Then I grew more interest after further reading and research. Looking up his myths, I stumbled upon the ‘Myth of Anzû’. It tells a story about Ninurta rising up against a powerful enemy when no one else dared to. Despite facing various challenges, he fought hard for justice. To me, that bravery and grit was really inspiring! So I discussed with Denta-san and said that I’ll be making a story about this myth.

As a result, we have this project! Thanks to Denta-san for borrowing me her characters, beta-reading and supervising the creation of this comic. Denta-san’s Ninurta has a lively and energetic appearance as well as personality. They really contributed to this comic coming alive with a fun atmosphere! The other characters were also fun to work with as each of them has an interesting design and personality.

Although this was a small practice project, making it was fun. I was generally happy with how the story turned out. I hope you’ll enjoy reading it too!

  • This project was a quick practice. So I drew everything in pencil and kept it in its draft form.
  • The comic’s written in Japanese, but I’ll provide an English summary in each chapter.

Japanese version of the Artist’s Notes used during the original run:

NINURTA Artist's Notes
Version of the cover without the title logo.

About Denta-san

Denta-san is an artist passionate about the Mesopotamian mythology and aliens. The characters in ‘NINURTA’ belong to her. She had also supervised this project and drawn several illustrations for it. Denta-san’s art style is cute and her works are really sweet. Be sure to check them out on her Twitter and Pixiv!

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