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NINURTA Chapter 5.
Asked to kill his wife Gula if he wanted the Seven Winds’ help to save the world, Ninurta faced a tough decision. After a difficult battle, Ninurta’s decision was…

This manga is written in Japanese and is read from right to left.
English summary below.

Ninurta Chapter 5-1

NINURTA Chapter 5

English Summary

Ninurta must first pass the Seven Winds’ test if he wanted their help to save the world.

Wanting to see whether or not Ninurta was a worthy god, the Seven Winds asked Ninurta to kill his wife Gula. But loving Gula dearly, Ninurta was unable to decide. She had always been there for him, caring for his well-being and watching over him when he trained.

On the other hand, Gula had come here to stop Ninurta from going into a dangerous battle with Anzu. Without waiting for Ninurta’s answer, she summoned her dogs to bring Ninurta home by force.

Thinking that turning back wasn’t the right option either, Ninurta fought Gula. Being well-trained, he defeated her easily. Pinning her down to the ground, he was once again stuck with making a decision. Ninurta remembered why he had to keep moving forward—the reward of becoming a high ranking god, the fact that his father would be proud of him, and because he had promised to save the brainwashed priest from Anzu.

In the end, he decided that the Seven Winds’ test was a stupid idea, and that he didn’t want to sacrifice someone in order to help someone else. He boldly told the Seven Winds that he’d show them that he can defeat Anzu even without them.

The Seven Winds laughed at him. Surprisingly, they told him that with his decision, he had passed their test. They then explained that they had wanted to see whether Ninurta believed in his own strength, and whether he was a kind god or a cruel god. Ninurta living up to their expectations, the Seven Winds decided to finally side with him and borrow him their strength.

Glad and feeling accomplished, Ninurta jumped with joy and cheered with Sharur. But Gula, seeing that she was unable to stop Ninurta after all, was sad that Ninurta had to leave. Afraid of what might become of him, she began to cry.

Ninurta felt bad for her. He gently assured Gula, telling her to trust him since she had watched him train all this time and that he was planning to become a great god. Gula cheered up a little. Seeing that there was no way to take Ninurta back, she decided to lend him a hand instead.

Ninurta told her that it was dangerous and that she shouldn’t come. Gula told him that he was being a hypocrite and besides, she was sure that he’d be there to protect her if something happened. Sighing, Ninurta relented, but he was a little happy to have a reliable ally.

Successfully earning the Seven Winds and Gula’s aid, Ninurta continued his journey to defeat Anzu.

In the meantime, Anzu had been using the Tablet of Destinies to brainwash the humans and build himself a grand temple atop the mountains. The luxurious temple was filled with food, treasures and worshipers. Anzu would have had his hands on everything that he wanted, if it weren’t for Enlil’s barrier staving off the Tablet’s influence from reaching the abode of the gods in Heaven.

Aiming to turn the gods into his servants as well, Anzu decided that it was time to make his next move.

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