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NINURTA Chapter 8.
Having failed horribly at defeating Anzu, Ninurta lost the spirit to fight and gave up. Worried, Sharur called upon the help of Enki, the god of knowledge. Enki decided to go and give Ninurta some advice.

This manga is written in Japanese and is read from right to left.
English summary below.

Ninurta Chapter 8

NINURTA Chapter 8

English Summary

Completely defeated by Anzu, Ninurta had a nightmare about Enlil being angry at him for his foolishness and for putting Gula in danger. Everyone around him further looked down on him because of his failures as well. Ninurta begged for forgiveness from Enlil, but his father only said that he didn’t need a loser like him and that he didn’t want to see him again.

Lost in his nightmares, Ninurta was saved when Enki arrived and awakened him.

After settling down, Ninurta told Enki about the situation, and that he was planning to return home after this. Ninurta felt frustrated at how reckless and weak he was, saying that he wasn’t fit to be a god.

Enki said that it wasn’t true. Ninurta stood up against Anzu when no one else dared to. By doing that, he was closer to achieving victory than anyone else ever had. Enki also said that until now, no other challenger had appeared yet, so if Ninurta gave up, this would really be the end for everyone. He asked Ninurta if he’d be willing to challenge Anzu once again.

Ninurta was worried and afraid, but said that someone had to do the task. So he decided that he’d have to win no matter what, and that he’d protect everyone.

Glad that Ninurta seemed to have gotten his fighting spirit back, Enki cheered on him. He gave him an advice that to be a good god is to be a good leader. If he looked closely at his people and led them well, he should be able to find a way to win against Anzu. Ninurta understood and said that he’d think up something.

Seeing that everything was well, Enki wished Ninurta luck. In the meantime, he’d return to Heaven to report Ninurta’s discoveries of Anzu’s plans, so the gods can make preparations and defend themselves.

With that, Ninurta sat down and looked at his comrades carefully, trying to think up a good battle strategy with them.

Sharur was a soft and fluffy doll now. The Seven Winds each have their own unique type and strengths—the gust, the foul-smelling gas, the sea breeze, the hot wind, the whirlwind, the electrical wind, and the cold wind.

Everyone combining forces and fighting Anzu all at once earlier didn’t seem to work. So Ninurta stared hard at them and tried to think of a better strategy that can utilize his friends’ skills to the fullest.

Eventually, he successfully reached a good conclusion. Asking everyone to cooperate with him, Ninurta moved out to fight Anzu again.

Meanwhile, Anzu and his army had arrived at the abode of the gods, fighting with all they had. With Enki’s report, the gods had been warned and were able to defend themselves to a certain extent.

Even so, trying to fight without hurting the innocent humans proved to be very difficult. Anzu watched his troop slowly push forward from a nearby cliff. Seeing that total victory would soon be his, Anzu laughed proudly.

Things would have gone smoothly for him, but Ninurta suddenly appeared, challenging him to another battle.

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