【 Pokémon Unite 】 Adventures in Aeos – Chapter 2

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Pokemon Unite ポケモンユナイト ルカリオ アマージョ アブソル lucario tsareena absol

Chapter 2 Synopsis
Arriving on Aeos Island, Eric and Rhyme’s Pokémon train with each other in preparation for Unite Battles. Things go smoothly until they run into the powerful Lucario Ruki.

Chapter 2: Intimidating Obstacles

Yo, it’s me Eric again. Things have honestly been quite eventful lately. It’s been about two weeks since I left for Aeos Island with Rhyme and his crew, and I gotta say, this Unite Battle? I’m surprised I hadn’t heard of it before now, because it’s hype.

Rhyme and his team have thankfully been training with us and teaching us the basic and advanced strategies of Unite Battles. They’re honestly amazing teachers, all of them. They’re all super nice and supportive. They know my learning pace and they adapt to it, which not a lot of people have done, so kudos to them. I’m really happy to have met them…

But anyway, something really interesting happened today. I finally got to meet Pokémon I’d only heard by name before, and… Well, I’ll let the story speak for itself.

Eric and company are in the middle of some sparring.

Zephyr: “C’mon Elpis, you gotta be faster than that to catch me!”
Elpis: “I don’t need speed to beat you, Zeph. Reflexes will do me just fine.”
Zephyr: He appears behind Elpis. “Sure about that?”
Elpis: “Wha-?!”

Zephyr kicks Elpis into the air, and slams him back down. Elpis lands with a thud, slightly cracking the ground. Zephyr extends a paw, pulling Elpis up off the ground.

Zephyr: “Reflexes are good and all, but speed’s your best friend when you need to fight, or when you need to run, especially when engaging multiple enemies.”
Elpis: “Ngh…” He holds a paw to his back. “R-Right…”

Zephyr: He looks over to Eric and Rhyme, who have been watching. “You taking this in too, Eric?”
Eric: He writes down something in a small notebook. “You betcha, Zeph!”
Rhyme: “A strategy notebook is honestly a good idea. Maybe I should invest in one… I could take down points of what happens in matches and devise even better strats…”
Eric: “You should! That’s sounds like a great idea!”
Rhyme: “Certainly. Watching a recording of your own matches helps, too. That’s how I usually look for things to improve.”

Both Elpis and Zephyr’s stomachs growl in unison.

Elpis: “Hmm… hey guys, think we can call a lunch break?”
Eric: “Oooh, lunch sounds good right about now.”
Rhyme: “Ditto. Hey everyone, lunch time!”

The gang all head to the nearby Aeos Island Café for some grub. Both Trainers’ Pokémon all sit together, bar Eric and Rhyme, who sit together separate from the others.

Eric: He munches on a ham sandwich. “Hmm… Hey, Rhyme?”
Rhyme: He snacks on some curry. “Hm? Yeah Eric?”
Eric: “I’ve only noticed now, but you only have three Pokéballs on your belt…”
Rhyme: “Hm? Oh, yeah. I never keep Zephyr’s Pokéball on me.”
Eric: “Really? How come?”

Rhyme: “Well… Zephyr just kinda doesn’t like being in a Pokéball.”
Eric: “He doesn’t?”
Rhyme: “Yeah, our agreement’s that we work together, but he’s his own free self and not a Pokémon that belongs to a Trainer… He keeps the Pokéball I gave him, though.” He leans in whispering. “I think he’s just a bit of a tsundere sometimes…”
Eric: “Ah, I getcha… heheh.”

Eric and Rhyme continue eating their food. After a little while, Eric starts staring off into space in deep thought.

Rhyme: “Hm? You okay, Eric?”
Eric: “Huh? O-Oh, yeah I’m fine. Just zoned out a bit.”
Rhyme: “Thinking about something?”
Eric: “Yeah… Who was the guy you said Zephyr was trying to beat again?”
Rhyme: “Hm? You mean-?”
Zephyr: “Ruki!”

Both Eric and Rhyme turn to see a group of three Pokémon; Ruki the Lucario, Alina the Tsareena, and Filio the Absol. The trio hold themselves highly as they walk, having an air that’ll make people think twice about messing with them.

Rhyme: “Speak of the devil!”

He gestures for Eric to follow him as he gets up and walks over to the group, and Eric does, albeit a bit nervously.

Ruki: “Thought I heard some familiar voices.”
Zephyr: “Definitely been a hot minute, huh?”
Ruki: “I suppose.” He scans through the crowd and notices the new faces. “New companions?”

Rhyme and Eric both show up, and Ruki takes notice of Eric.

Ruki: “That explains it. The new Lucario and the Espeon belong to that human there, don’t they?”
Zephyr: “Yeah. Elpis, Kou and Eric, from Saorsó. They wanted us to train them for Unite Battles, so we’ve been doing that.”
Ruki: “Really now?”
Zephyr: “What do you want, Ruki?”

Ruki looks to Eric, making eye contact with him. Eric finds his gaze to be pretty intense.

Ruki: “You know, kid, if you really want to grow stronger, you should be training under someone who’s actually strong.”
Eric: “H-Huh? But Rhyme and co. are strong.”
Filio: “Kid, you don’t know the meaning of strong. If you want an example of “strong” you’re looking at one.”

Elpis: “That Absol’s right, Eric… I can feel Ruki’s aura and… it’s immense.”
Eric: “H-How immense we talking?”
Elpis: He looks at Eric with a serious expression. “I can’t feel his aura’s limit… it’s like he doesn’t have one…”

Eric looks back at Ruki, who’s still staring at him, and gulps. He’s never been this intimidated by a Pokémon before…

Zephyr: “You can diss us after you prove yourself, Ruki. Hope you’re ready for a match!” He draws out his claws.
Alina: “Fufu, I like that you ask him for a dance every time we meet, little kitten. But the result’s always the same. You should step back before you hurt yourself.”
Zephyr: “Not a chance. Not until I beat him. Besides, I’ve been training one-on-one with Eric’s team lately, since they’re still not used to team fights, and I’d like to test things out. You’re not going to back off, right, Ruki?”

Ruki: He sighs annoyedly. “Fine. Follow me.”
Filio: “Ohohoho, you’re gonna regret this decision, Zeph. Fighting Ruki one-on-one’s practically suicide. When will you ever learn?”
Zephyr: “We’ll see about that…”

Zephyr and Ruki both walk to a more open part of the café grounds, with the rest of the members following.

Ruka: “Oh no… I’m really worried about Zephyr…”
Eric: “Th-There’s no way that Ruki’s that strong, right?”
Nini: “But he is. Ruki and his team participate Unite Battles as well. Ruki’s called The Reaper of the Battlefield… with a 95% win rate.”

Eric: “95%?! That’s insane! Th-There’s no way!”
Filio: “Oh, trust me kid, it’s true. Ruki doesn’t lose.”
Ruka: “That’s not even the worst part though… The worst part isn’t how powerful he is, it’s… how brutal he is.”
Eric: “Brutal…?”

Ruka: “…You see, back when the two of us were still Riolus, he was genuinely kind. He took care of me while I was in my egg and even gave me my name. But then, he was kidnapped by an evil organization and they experimented on him… That’s when he developed this “strength is everything” mindset of his. He eventually broke out thanks to some other Pokémon that had been captured, but he lost them in the escape… It was then that he evolved and destroyed the entire organization on his own. I eventually saw him again, but he wasn’t the Ruki I knew… He left me on my own to go searching the world for Lucarionite… When I eventually evolved myself, I heard he had come here, so I did the same. I then met Rhyme and company and… well, the rest is history…”

Eric: “Oh man… Talk about a Pokémon who’s been through a lot…”
Nini: “He’s been through more than any Pokémon- heck, anyone deserves… You can’t help but feel bad for him…”
Ruka: “The only one I can feel bad for right now is Zephyr… (Please… Don’t do this, Zephyr!)”

Rhyme: “Even so, there’s no backing down now…”
Eric: “Rhyme…?”
Rhyme: “C‘mon buddy! You can do this! Kick his ass!”
Eric: “(Huh… he sure got fired up… Ah, might as well…) You got this, Zeph! Show him how strong you really are!”

Zephyr: “Heh. Thanks, guys! And don’t worry, I plan to!”
Ruki: “Careful, Zephyr… Confidence is only justified if you have the strength to back up your statements.”
Zephyr: “I’ve gotten much stronger since we last saw each other, so I’d say it is…”

They both get into fighting stances.

Ruki: “Alina.”
Alina: “Sure thing, hun. Let the battle between Ruki the Lucario and Zephyr the Zeraora commence!”

Eric: “Wait a sec. ‘Hun’? What’s that about?”
Happy: “Ruki and Alina are actually a couple! I think it’s quite cute, honestly!”
Eric: “Huh. So interspecies romances between Pokémon are a thing… Neat.”

The battle begins!

Zephyr opens with Volt Switch, zipping around Ruki at (literally) lightning speed. Ruki just stands there calmly, creating a Bone Scythe with his aura.

Eric: “Wait, huh?! How’d he do that?!”
Elpis: “I didn’t know Bone Rush could be used like that!”
Rhyme: “Focus up, guys. This is actually a good opportunity for you to learn. So watch, and focus.”

Zephyr tries to zip in to attack Ruki, but Ruki just blocks his attacks with his scythe. Zephyr tries again, and again, and again to no avail. Ruki then suddenly uses Extreme Speed, catching up to Zephyr easily and instantly, whacking him to the ground with his scythe.

Kou: “Sweet Arceus, that was fast…”
Elpis: “I could barely see him moving!”
Ruka: “(Zephyr may have gotten faster, but so has Ruki… Come on, Zephyr…)”

Zephyr: He gets up off the ground. “Ngh…”
Ruki: “Come on. Is this all you’ve got?”
Zephyr: “Hmph… Not even close.”

Zephyr suddenly charges towards Ruki at full speed with Wild Charge. Zephyr launches a hurricane of blows Ruki’s way, but Ruki just dodges them, almost like he isn’t trying.

Filio: “Heh.”
Nini: “This is nuts… He’s hardly trying despite Zephyr giving it his all! The power gap between them is just too huge, no matter what Zephyr does…”
Eric: “Ngh…”

Zephyr: “Ngh…! Stop dodging already and attack me!”
Ruki: “If you insist.”

Ruki catches both of Zephyr’s paws, flipping him upside down. He then knees Zephyr in the face and Power-Up Punches him in the gut, sending him flying. Zephyr coughs while he’s down, before picking himself back up.

Elpis: “Man… Zephyr’s gonna lose at this rate…”
Rhyme: “Damn… What can he do…?”
Eric: “…Wait. That’s what he’s- Zephyr!”
Zephyr: “Huh?”

Eric: “Ruki’s anticipating you! You’re going to have to be unpredictable to win this fight!”
Zephyr: “Unpredictable?”
Eric: “Try hit him with something he wouldn’t expect!”
Zephyr: “Hmm… I’d prefer if you didn’t interfere, Eric, but thanks for the tip.”

Zephyr begins zipping around with Volt Switch again.

Filio: “Again? That won’t accomplish anything.”
Rhyme: “(Okay Zephyr, let’s see what you’ve got planned now… Maybe take Eric’s advice…)”
Zephyr: “(Even if this just lets me get one good hit I’ll be happy… Hope it works!)”

Zephyr starts moving faster and faster, the rest of the group bar the Lucarios nearly losing sight of him. Zephyr then zips behind Ruki, who swings at him, but he dodges it, moving in front of him. Time seems to slow down as the two of them stare at each other. Zephyr then claps in Ruki’s face, confusing him. Zephyr uses his confusion to full force kick him in his liver, sending him sprawling onto the ground.

Everyone is in shock!

Filio: “What?!”
Rhyme: “No way!”
Kou: “How did he-?!”
Eric: “Haha, yes! He did it! That was sick!”

Zephyr is left panting from the exertion as Ruki lays there on the ground. He wipes some drool from his chin.

Zephyr: “Hah… hah… How was that, Ruki…?!”

Then, faster than anyone there could see, Ruki moves and Power-Up Punches Zephyr in the stomach again, sending him flying into Eric who catches him, but falls over himself.

Ruki: “…Passable…”
Eric: “Oww… Zephyr… Zephyr, are you okay?!”

Zephyr lies dazed in Eric’s arms.

Alina: “Zephyr the Zeraora is no longer able to battle. The winner of this fight is Ruki the Lucario!”

Eric: “Dangit… Zephyr!”
Filio: “Hahahaha! I told you kid, that kitty stood no chance! Once a weakling, always a weakling as they say!”
Eric: “Wha-?!” He growls and gets up, placing Zephyr on the ground. “Hey! I-I may not be the best Trainer around, but I’m not gonna stand here and let you badmouth my friends! You versus Elpis and me! Right here, right now!
Filio: “Oh, you wanna go, huh kid? Fine then, bring-!”

Ruki: “That’s enough. Both of you.”

Filio: “Huh? But Ruki, he’s asking for it-”
Ruki: “I said that’s enough. Understand?”
Filio: “Ngh… Yes, boss…”

Ruki: “And you, Eric.”
Eric: “Huh? Y-Yes…?”
Ruki: “…I’d give it to you that you have a smart head. You’d better use it to its full potential.”
Eric: “Huh…? O-Oh, uh… Th-Thank you!”
Ruki: “Let’s go, you two.”

Team Ruki then walks away as Eric tends to Zephyr, spraying his wounds with a Max Potion.

Zephyr: “Ohhh… Ow… What happened…?”
Rhyme: “You lost, buddy…”
Eric: “But not before giving Ruki one hell of a blow!”
Nini: “Yeah! It was so awesome!”
Zephyr: “Yeah… I remember that…”

Kou: “Y’know Zeph, Eric actually defended you back there, as well.”
Zephyr: “Defended me?
Eric: “Uh, y-yeah. Ruki punched you into me and I caught you. Y-You already took a lot of hard hits in that fight so I didn’t want you to take a hard fall too, so…” He rubs the back of his head.
Zephyr: “Right… Well… Thanks, I guess.”

Happy: “Eric also got really angry when Filio started badmouthing you as well. He was even about to fight him before Ruki broke them up.”
Eric: “W-Well, I…” He sighs. “…Look. I may not have many of them, but the friends I do have, I care about more than anything. And you guys are my friends, so I won’t stand for anyone, and I mean anyone badmouthing you like that. Not Filio, not Ruki, not anybody! I won’t have it!

Zephyr stares up at Eric and smirks, but stops himself before anyone else notices. Safe to say a small tinge of respect is now something Zephyr has for Eric.

Zephyr: “I appreciate the gesture, but leave handling Team Ruki to me and Ruka, should I rope him into it… Thanks though, kid.”
Eric: “I mean it! I’ll fight I have to!”
Rhyme: “Mhm. And we’ll be counting on you when that day comes, won’t we Zephyr?”
Zephyr: “Heh. Sure.”

Elpis: “I wonder though… Will we see Ruki again?”
Ruka: “No doubt about it. We will. But we’ll train up strong for when that happens, won’t we?”
Elpis: “Damn right we will!” Elpis and Ruka fist bump.

Zephyr: “Speaking of training…” He stretches. “I think it’s time we brought this “lunch break” to a close, am I right?
Rhyme: “Agreed. Let’s get back to it, shall we everyone?”

After a bit of cleanup, the group gets back to their training. Nini and Kou spar while Eric and Rhyme sit and spectate, Eric taking notes as they spar. Zephyr and Ruka stand off to the side, keeping a close eye on everyone, with Zephyr keeping a particularly close eye on Eric…

Zephyr: “(Hmm. Kid really does care for his friends a ton, huh? Guess he believes in that whole “friends are the family you choose” thing that I’ve heard Rhyme talk about… But maybe, that’s not such a bad thing… Should the time come for us to stand together in a fight Eric, I’ll be counting on you. So don’t disappoint me, alright?)”

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