Le Chat de Toulouse

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Tenko Kitsunehime Toulouse France てんこ キツネヒメ トゥールーズ フランス

Tenko & Rhyme page
Tenko & Rhyme log. A comic based on my trip to Toulouse, France (17-18 May 2024) and my stay at Hôtel Arnaud Bernard. Written in French since I’m sending it as a gift to the hotel’s owner. English/Japanese version coming soon!


Created on 20 June 2023 and completed on 23 June 2024.

11 pages / K / Slice of Life, Essay Manga
Read from left to right.


(True story) Tenko’s a Japanese student who’s visiting Toulouse to learn about French culture. Unfortunately, she runs into a lot of problems en route! Finally arriving at her hotel later, she has a magical experience.

Toulouse Vlog

Photos here. You can see my recordings of my meeting with Twilly in the hotel in the video below!

Artist's Notes

This is the most magical experience I had during my entire one year stay in France, so I think it deserves a comic! Thank you so much to Daniela for letting me write about Twilly and the hotel. It’s been a pleasure! If you ever visit Hôtel Arnaud Bernard at Toulouse and you see Twilly and Daniela, say hi to them for me. Thanks for reading!


  • The building used in the title logo is the Capitole, Toulouse’s city hall.
  • Toulouse is known as ‘the Pink City’ because of the pinkish tint in the terracotta used in its architecture. Twilly’s collar and Hermès’ Twilly perfume also happen to be pink. What a coincidence!
  • I seriously thought Twilly was like a human seeing how smart she was!

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2 thoughts on “Le Chat de Toulouse”

  1. Merci infiniment pour cette histoire, c’est dommage que vous n’ayez pas vu la deuxième chatte que nous avons elle est toute aussi jolie! Je suis contente que ma princesse vous ai si bien accueilli!
    Au plaisir de vous rencontrer à l’hôtel si vous repassez par Toulouse, je vous raconterai toutes les bêtises de twilly!
    Jade (la propriétaire du chat)

    1. Bonjour, Jade ! Merci beaucoup de m’avoir aussi écrit une message sur mon site Internet !

      Oh, j’aimerais bien voir l’autre chat et écouter les histoires de Twilly ♥
      Je vous chercherai si jamais je repasser par Toulouse dans l’avenir.
      N’hesitez pas de me contacter sur Twitter ou mon email (ateliertenko00@gmail.com) si vous avez besoin de quelque chose.
      Merci ! ^^


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