Pokémon Unite page / Team Rhyme Lore page
Pokemon fan comic (Pokemon Unite). Partially game log, partially imagination. Generally what goes on in my mind as a Zeraora ranker and as I aim to get better at playing Unite.
Pokemon Unite fan comic - Things Lost, Things Gained
Published on 2 Mar 2024 and completed on 12 May 2024.
63 pages / K / Slice of Life, Friendship
Read from left to right.
- No Text Version (for translators / 翻訳担当用の文字なしバージョン)
- 中文 (translated by Miles “Dillus” Dixon)
- Bahasa Indonesia (translated by Delttawoofie)
- Česky (translated by GamingasCZ)
- Español ver.1 (translated by The Visitor)
Español ver.2 (translated by Fen) - Français (translated by Safran)
- Italiano (translated by ItalNapoleon)
- Português (Brasil) (translated by Sasuke the Zarude)
- Русский язык (translated by NDRAEY (Andrey))
- 한국어 (translated by 하얀노라 (White Nora))
Zephyr the Zeraora reached his goal of becoming a global Zeraora ranker, but he begins to doubt himself. Is fulfilling his dreams really worth all the sacrifice he’d have to make? He talks about it with his old friend Yamato, and later Alina the Tsareena from Team Ruki.
- Yamato the Zeraora and Hayate the Floragato belong to Zera-san.
Artist's Notes
Hi! Thanks for reading this comic. Hope you’ve enjoyed it! It ended up being longer than expected and very dialogue heavy since I wanted to write a lot of things, but I’m glad to be able to pour everything out. Otherwise, it’s been quite interesting to draw a lot of Pokemon that I don’t usually draw!
Zephyr’s problems are based on my actual problems of feeling lost despite becoming a Zeraora ranker. I think after you’ve become quite decent at something, you’ll start feeling a wall that’s hard to pass! Nevertheless, I’ll do my best to keep going. I hope everyone aiming for their dreams can continue fighting too no matter how tough things get. Let’s all do our best and good luck to all!
P.S. Thank you soooo much to all my translators and people submitting fanworks for this comic. You’re too awesome!
- Among all the Zeraora Holowear in Unite, Zephyr’s favourite is the Band Style Holowear because it reminds him of Yamato, whom he looks up to a lot. Even so, he feels that the original design looks too stuffy for him, so he asked Rhyme to mod it and make it more open.
- My sister showed me her photo of the cherry blossoms blooming in Tokyo the day I started writing this, so I got the idea for the setting.
- Page 1: The Greek god of the west wind Zephyr/Zephyrus is associated with spring and flowers, so I made spring Zephyr’s favourite season.
- Page 4: An otome game is a love simulation game where a female protagonist has to choose one of multiple male love interests.
- Page 9: Magikarp taiyaki. A taiyaki is a traditional Japanese fish-shaped cake with red bean paste inside.
- Page 16-17: I imagined Ruki’s level to be the same as real life Unite world champions when I created him. Zephyr’s level is based on my actual player level. Since Unite’s my first MOBA, I have a long way to go!
- Page 20: Dragapult and Buzzwole are the Pokémon in the current meta. (Although I heard that they’re more popular in the western servers where I’m currently in and not much in the Japanese server.)
- Page 29-30: People who use Buzzwole pointed out that the correct combo is Superpower → Smack Down → Superpower. (I didn’t know because I’ve never used him. Will research more next time. Thank you so much for telling me! ;u;)
- Page 31: Reference to this old official Buzzwole PV (31 Jul 2022) of Buzzwole sucking Zeraora’s blood that got kind of wild.
- Page 42: Herba Mystica is said to come from the Great Crater of Paldea (Pokemon Scarlet/Violet). Since we’re on Aeos Island, I made this herb a related species rather than THE Herba Mystica itself to avoid contradictions.
- Page 48: ‘Roza’ means ‘Rose’ in Russian. ‘Alina’ is also a Russian name meaning ‘bright’ or ‘beautiful’. Picked Russian terms as a reference to the ‘Tsar’ in ‘Tsareena’.
- Page 48-50: Alina’s rose crown being on and off her head symbolizes her progression of being a queen and losing her ‘kingdom’. The crown being destroyed in page 50 symbolizes the end of her rule.
- Page 51: Ruki losing his best friend can be seen in Chapter 7 of this comic (Studying my Zeraora).
- Page 58~: Ruki needing a yellow herb for his illness and Zephyr also being yellow. Talking with Zephyr helped Ruki open up a little and put him at ease to know that his brother Ruka is in good hands.
How often do you update this, on average?
Hi! Thanks for reading ^^
I aim to draw 1-2 pages per day, so normally, you can expect an update everyday 😀
(I’ll put a notice on Twitter if something comes up and I can’t update.)
Oh, cool! Thank you.
That zeraora… is he dRuNk?! I love this. Also like the art style of buzzwole. Looking forward to more.
Hi again, Livi! Happy that you like it. That Buzzwole’s certainly fun to draw ^^
Will do my best till the end!
Zeraora videogaming
My main Pokémon in Unite ^^
No pages?🤨
Ahh! I was thinking the same thing. It’s been a while. Rhyme might post updates on Twitter if there will be a delay of pages. But am looking forward to when more come out.
Hi! Thank you always for reading, Livi! I uploaded a new page ^^
(I posted a notice on Twitter last week that I was on vacation and left to travel around the country.
I’ll see if I can write a notice somewhere here too next time T-T
Either way, I’m back home now, so I’ll go back to daily updates!)
No problem! I don’t have twitter so I couldn’t check. But glad to see you back. Hope you had a nice vacation!
I did. Thank you ^^
And dang! I was under the impression that most people found my site through Twitter!
In that case, thank you so much for finding me and checking this site a lot. I’ll do my best till the end ;u;
Hi! Thanks for waiting. I uploaded a new page ^^
(I posted a notice on Twitter last week that I was on vacation and left to travel around the country.
I’ll see if I can write a notice somewhere here too next time T-T
Either way, I’m back home now, so I’ll go back to daily updates!)
Hah! My headcanon of Aliana being sweet inside is coming true (to some extent, but I’ll take what I can get).
Aww, how sweet! Thanks for having cute headcanons about my OCs ;u; <3
Aww and the hug! This comic is making me so flappy. I never knew Ruki could be so sweet. Most adorable. (Too bad he doesn’t extend his kindness to Ruka… maybe someday…)
Yay! Happy that you liked that part. Thank you always for being so sweet and commenting! ;u;
(And yeah, perhaps someday. I’ll talk about them a bit in the coming pages ^^)
Yes! The lore deepens and so does my obsession.
Also hah I knew you were in there, Ruki. It gives a nice new perspective on Ruki’s character. Like it justifies his actions in his own mind, even though he knows the logic is sort of warped. So cute and sad I want to cry. (I hope the people around me don’t think I’m weird. 😬)
Aww the line “do you think I have the right to be with Ruka” hits hard. So sad.
Liviii! Thank you so much for reading this till the end and commenting throughout the process.
It’s been a pleasure to write while talking to you ;u;
Haha, don’t worry. Some people on Twitter said so too, so you’re not weird.
Happy that you liked it and see you in my next works 😀
That’s a relief.
This was really fun, looking forward to whatever comes next!
Also, I’m taking this as an invitation to comment the same amount on your next works. XD And likewise.
I just realized in panel 50 Ruki calls Roza forest “Rosa forest.”
You’re… not from around here… are you, Ruki?
Hi, Livi!!
Sorry for the late reply. I just came back from a long vacation.
Hope you’re doing well ^^
Ruki saying Rosa is a typo. Thanks for telling me. I’ll fix it soon XD
And sure! I usually try to reply to every comment I get, so feel free to tell your thoughts.
You’re always so sweet and a pleasure to talk to 😀
Hm, interesting to read this over again after reading the Quest for Power. Filia overworked herself and got sick and when Filio left to get her flowers it was the last time he saw her (alive) (based off the recent Lucario fanfic). Ruki gets sick overworking himself and Filio is the one who stays to watch him, wanting him to get well so bad he fought Ruki till he fainted just to get him to stay in bed. Just interesting character detail… thanks!
Thanks for reading, Livi! And you’re right!
Unintentional, but interesting thing to notice XD
Filio acts as the team’s older brother, so he’ll be worried if Alina or Ruki’s in trouble 🙂