Team Rhyme Lore page
My Pokemon OC Chispa the Zeraora. A strange Zeraora that behaves like a house cat.
Chispa the Zeraora
Species: Zeraora
Gender: Genderless (Doesn’t identify as male or female. Just cat.)
Height: 40 cm (house cat size)
Nature: Relaxed
A strage Zeraora with the size, intelligence and behavior of a house cat. Can’t talk even with other Pokemon, so he communicates mainly by meowing.
- A complete house cat. Lives to eat, sleep and get spoiled. Will come to you to get spoiled or be fed.
- Has a laid back personality and dislikes battling.
Chispa’s Past
A strage Zeraora born during one of Rhyme and Leo’s picnics in Paldea, when a stray bolt of thunder struck Neon’s salmon sandwich. Since he was really sweet despite his looks, Rhyme and Leo took him in.
- His name means ‘Spark’ in Spanish. Rhyme and Leo nicknamed him ‘Chonky’ because he’s cute and squishy.
- Although he doesn’t have much facial expressions, he’s quite affectionate and expresses himself by purring, meowing or rubbing.
- Also loves salmon like Neon does, so they often fight over food.
- Has a high Speed stat and can fly like a normal Zeraora, but has low Attack and high Defense.
- Loves naps, pats and treats.