Pokemon OC – Ruki the Lucario

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Pokemon oc lucario fanart ポケモン ルカリオ イラスト

Team Rhyme Lore page
My Pokemon OC Ruki the Lucario. He’s Team Ruki’s leader and Ruka’s elder brother.

Ruki the Lucario

Species: Lucario
Gender: Male
Height: 130 cm (10 cm taller than the default Lucario)
Nature: Brave

Team Ruki’s leader. Ruki’s a powerful Lucario with a dark past and no patience for the weak. He travels the world in search of powerful opponents to hone his fighting skills and become stronger. Ruki’s known for his bone scythe and his black aura that reflects the darkness in his heart.


Ruki’s quiet and doesn’t talk much. Having a past where he failed to save his best friend due to how weak he was, he believes that weakness is a sin. He grew to detest the weak and have no patience with them. As a result, he travels to hone his skills, wanting to be as strong as possible himself so there’s nothing he can’t take care of. Although he detests the weak, Ruki’s not particularly evil. If he sees someone in trouble or bad guys wreaking havoc, he’s quite likely to offer his help. Ruki’s also a responsible leader and takes good care of his teammates. He’s close with Alina and loves her dearly.

Ruki’s Past

Ruki used to be close to Ruka when they were Riolu. He stood up for Ruka and protected him all the time. Unfortunately, Ruki’s talent and strength attracted an evil organization, who proceeded to kidnap and experiment on Ruki. Ruki made friends with a Machamp during his captivity, but the Machamp and all the other captives were killed when they tried to escape together. Angered, Ruki evolved into a Lucario and destroyed the organization single-handedly, successfully escaping. But upon his return home, Ruki wasn’t the same. Resenting his own weakness, he left Ruka to go on a journey to become stronger.


  • Being a powerful Lucario, Ruki’s known as the ‘Reaper of the Battlefield’.
  • Ruki has nightmares about his past and being helpless as he loses those precious to him sometimes.
  • Team Ruki doesn’t have a Trainer. Ruki usually doesn’t listen to anyone other than Alina.
  • Ruki enjoys serious battles to the death.
  • Ruki spoils Alina a lot, but picks on Filio every once in awhile in the best friends sort of way.

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