Pokemon OC – Team Leo

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Pokemon oc Zeraora fanart ポケモン ゼラオラ イラスト

Team Rhyme Lore page
Team Leo, Leo‘s Pokemon OCs. They became close friends with Team Rhyme during their stay on Aeos Island (Pokemon Unite).

Pokemon trainer oc ポケモン トレーナー

Trainer Leo

Leo’s a Pokemon Trainer who has a great passion about Zeraora. Coming from a small town near a forest, he never got a chance to join Pokemon battles despite his interest in them. Leo had his first battle when he arrived on Aeos Island, accompanied by his Pokemon, Neon the Zeraora and Marble the Blissey. He befriended Rhyme and Zephyr on Aeos Island and accompanied them on their journey to become stronger. The two became best friends quickly as they’re both Zeraora Trainers.

Despite being good during battle, Leo’s usually shy. He’ll show his more childish side only to his close friends. He likes sleeping, chatting, playing with friends, and taking care of plants. His favorite food is pizza. He doesn’t like seeing people sad, so he’ll try to cheer them up.

Pokemon oc Zeraora fanart ポケモン ゼラオラ イラスト

Neon the Zeraora

Species: Zeraora
Gender: Unknown (But he identifies strongly as male)
Height: 180 cm (30 cm taller than the default Zeraora)
Nature: Serious

Leo’s Zeraora partner. His dark past caused him to lose his trust in others and create a wall around his heart. Therefore, he doesn’t really feel much emotion and struggles at understanding how others feel. Having a lot of experience in fighting during his long life, he’s a powerful fighter.


His heart clouded by his dark past, Neon’s generally emotionless. Having been betrayed by a close friend when he was young, Neon has no interest in making new ones. That added to his usually grumpy mood and his distrust in others, he often rubs everyone the wrong way. He wouldn’t do anything if there’s nothing in it for him, even when he has to save people in danger.

Despite that, Leo and Zephyr think that he’s secretly a nice Pokemon inside since he never pushed them away when they needed him. Neon can also be easily bribed with salmon, his favourite food. Otherwise, he’s quite a brute who’s strong when fighting but dislikes things that require a lot of thinking, such as complex strategies and maths.

Neon's Past

Neon was born on a volcano with a lake underneath it. Mesprit, the guardian of the lake, gave Neon a little of its powers upon his birth to help him protect the land, resulting in one of the Zeraora’s eyes becoming yellow like Mesprit’s.

As a young Zeraora, Neon looked after the Pokemon on his land and believed that the world was a beautiful place. However, he was soon disillutioned when a human pretended to be his friend, only to sell him to an evil organization. The evil organization made him fight in illegal underground matches and tortured him cruelly. As Neon’s body grew accustomed to the torture, his wounds were able to heal faster, but his captors only tortured him even more.

Neon eventually managed to defeat his captors and free himself. However, this event left a scar in his heart that would never heal, causing him to despise humans and distrust the world.

Even then, seeing a young Leo almost drown sparked a little of Neon’s old personality. He rescued Leo and decided to stick around with him since he has nothing better to do at the moment.


  • Neon traveled alone for a long time before meeting Leo, so he enjoys being solitary.
  • Having lived on the road with a life full of battles, Neon’s more used to rough treatment. He feels uncomfortable with tender things and being spoiled, since he’s not used to them and they feel lacking.
  • He absolutely refuses to get into a Poke Ball.
  • Neon’s quite savage and still displays many traits of a wild Pokemon, so he’ll bite, ignore human manners, and behave as he likes.
  • He spends a lot of his free time either training or napping. He’s quite a deep sleeper.
  • Neon loves salmon to the point of being easily bribed by them.
  • He never takes a bath until either Leo or Zephyr force him to because he dislikes being wet.
Pokemon Unite blissey ポケモンユナイト ハピナス

Marble the Blissey

Species: Blissey
Gender: Female
Height: 150 cm
Nature: Jolly

Leo’s gentle Blissey partner whom he raised from an egg. Marble enjoys helping people, housekeeping, and keeping everything clean and organized.


Marble’s sweet and gentle, having a great empathy for everyone. She’s usually innocent and quiet, but when irritated, she can be kind of scary.

Marble's Past

Leo received Marble as an egg at a Pokémon Center and brought it home. When she hatched, Marble instantly started to explore her surroundings. She found a liking for housekeeping activities, and a great passion for healing and treating wounds and diseases. Marble had evolved into a Blissey by the time she met Neon the Zeraora. Upon meeting him, Marble immediately knew that Neon enjoys battles and that she has to watch over him a lot.


  • Marble does the grocery and housekeeping for Leo.
  • She also treats Neon’s wounds after battle. Every time Neon returns full of wounds, Marble would scold him.
  • Her favorite food is any egg-based dish.

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